12 Hilariously Dirty Items That Make Your Toilet Look Clean!

Published on July 3, 2016

Alright, so we all know that the toilet is pretty dirty and disgusting. Nobody dreams of growing up to clean toilets, right? Would it shock you to find out that there are many things in your life even dirtier than the toilet in the bathroom? You probably wouldn’t be surprised, because you are already reading this page, but we’ll educate you anyway. Listed below are 12 items so hilariously dirty that they even make your own toilet look clean.

Ice, ice, baby.

Do you want a free tip that will probably save you from getting sick at some point in your life? Of course you do. The next time that you go out to eat at a fast food joint you should probably skip putting any ice in your drink. Actually, why don’t you just skip getting any drink out of an automated machine. Studies have shown that the vast majority of ice served in fast food restaurants will contain more bacteria than toilet water. Give us credit here, we found something dirtier than the stuff in the toilet. Insane!

Ice, ice, baby

Ice, ice, baby

Computer Keyboards.

We don’t want to know what you do at your desk and we certainly don’t want to know what you do on your computer. Sure, we bet you are just looking at your credit report online. Oh, you might even actually be looking for a car insurance quote or two. Well, no matter what freaky stuff you are Googling you should know that your keyboard is up to 200 times dirtier than the toilet seat in the office bathroom. Yeah, run don’t walk to the cleaning closet. While you are there grab some compressed air and shoot it through your keyboard keys. This will help to alleviate some of the build up that is going on underneath the surface.

Computer Keyboards

Computer Keyboards