12 Hilariously Dirty Items That Make Your Toilet Look Clean!

Published on July 3, 2016
Alright, so we all know that the toilet is pretty dirty and disgusting. Nobody dreams of growing up to clean toilets, right? Would it shock you to find out that there are many things in your life even dirtier than the toilet in the bathroom? You probably wouldn’t be surprised, because you are already reading this page, but we’ll educate you anyway. Listed below are 12 items so hilariously dirty that they even make your own toilet look clean.

Ice, ice, baby.

Do you want a free tip that will probably save you from getting sick at some point in your life? Of course you do. The next time that you go out to eat at a fast food joint you should probably skip putting any ice in your drink. Actually, why don’t you just skip getting any drink out of an automated machine. Studies have shown that the vast majority of ice served in fast food restaurants will contain more bacteria than toilet water. Give us credit here, we found something dirtier than the stuff in the toilet. Insane!

Ice, ice, baby

Ice, ice, baby

Computer Keyboards.

We don’t want to know what you do at your desk and we certainly don’t want to know what you do on your computer. Sure, we bet you are just looking at your credit report online. Oh, you might even actually be looking for a car insurance quote or two. Well, no matter what freaky stuff you are Googling you should know that your keyboard is up to 200 times dirtier than the toilet seat in the office bathroom. Yeah, run don’t walk to the cleaning closet. While you are there grab some compressed air and shoot it through your keyboard keys. This will help to alleviate some of the build up that is going on underneath the surface.

Computer Keyboards

Computer Keyboards



We are addicted to our phone just like the next guy but we realize just how dirty they are. The next time you are routing lines for conference call providers at work you might want to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer around with you. Phones are covered in germs thanks to how often we use our already dirty hands to use them. If you use an office phone that is public to other people then, well, there really is no hope at this point. Phones are dirty and we keep them right next to our face. If that doesn’t bug you then we don’t know what’s wrong with you.




Office Desks.

The way things get dirty is simple: we touch them. The more things we touch, and the more often we touch them, the dirtier they’ll end up. So it shouldn’t surprise you to find out that the desk you use at your office contains up to 400% more bacteria than the nasty, gnarly, gross bottom of the toilet. Next time you think that cleaning your desk isn’t that important you should just lean back and remember this statistic. Get into the habit of dusting and wiping down your desk as often as possible. once you get into the habit of keeping a clean desk you likely won’t ever stop.

Office Desks

Office Desks



If you can’t even find safety from bacteria in your own hot shower where can you go? As it turns out, the showerhead is pretty good at breeding bacteria. Being warm, dark, and moist for the majority of the time keeps a nice little nest for the yuckos to get a headstart on life. Don’t play with it too much and make sure to clean the showerhead as often as you can. If you thought your toilet was the nasty behemoth in the bathroom then you definitely have a few things coming to you as well.





If you imagine how often you wash your blankets and then compare it to the fact that you never clean your mattress…well, you kind of get where we are going with this don’t you? If you have your mattress for 10 years straight it will have doubled in terms of weight thanks to all of the dead dust mites and their droppings. If that doesn’t gross you out then nothing else will and you probably need to get some help. For what it’s worth, we have no idea how to keep your mattress that clean. I guess it’s just something that we’ll have to learn to live with.





Everybody loves money but nobody should love it for how clean it is. Money changes so many hands that it is bound to collect some seriously nasty stuff along the way. According to some studies you can find up to 200,000 bacteria cells on your cash. Always wash your hands after you handle money and keep hand sanitizer around for before or after you eat when going out.





There’s just no saving your bathroom at this point, is there? Your bathtub is one of the dirtiest places in your whole house and you probably don’t even realize it. Sitting water and constant usage don’t really make for a clean utility. Studies have shown up to 20,000 bacteria by the square inch of your bathtub. When it comes time to clean the bath, make sure you go all in. There are some places you don’t want to skimp out on the bleach when you decide to clean.




Door Knobs.

If your hand is one of the dirtiest parts of your body then what does a door knob say to you? Door knobs are bar none one of the dirtiest things you’ll run into on a day to day basis. Guess what? You can’t afford door knobs either. You better get used to carrying gloves around or immediately washing your hands if you feel like turning into a germaphobe. If only everyone washed their hands then door knobs wouldn’t be quite so bad. Yet, here we are and there they are.

Door Knobs

Door Knobs


Pillows Cases.

Where you go to rest your head might be the place to give you nightmares. Your pillow needs to be washed several times per week because it becomes a haven for dead skin cells, pollen, sweat, fungus, and even dust mites. Cleaning your pillow cases often can lead to a reduction in blemishes for your skin, as well. Win-win, right? With that being said you still want to get into the habit of replacing old pillows when you get the opportunity. Just like mattresses listed above, pillows become reservoirs for dust mites and all of their nasty left overs. You don’t want to be sleeping on a bacteria filled graveyard do you?

Pillows Cases

Pillows Cases



While your purse may look dainty and adorable it is pretty much a cesspool of bacteria that will make your toilet look pristine. Your purse goes everywhere with you. It comes in contact with everything that you rub it against. You also fill it with some of the dirtiest items in your possession: money, phones, glasses and so on. If you want to keep a germ free purse then you best get ready to just seal it up in a zip lock bag and throw it in your freezer. Your purse is always going to be dirty and you might as well get used to that fact. You can stave off some germs by cleaning it out on the regular while avoiding putting things like food or phones in it, however.




Kitchen Sponge.

It’s easy to think of any cleaning utility as pretty clean itself, but that would definitely not be the case with your gnarly green and yellow kitchen sponges. Despite being covered in hot water and soap for much of its life, the kitchen sponge can contain up to 10 million bacteria for every square inch of area. Those stunning numbers make your kitchen sponge the dirtiest thing in your home. Change them out frequently and always wash your hands after using them. A replacement kitchen sponge is only a few bucks so don’t feel like you have to use each sponge until its last, dying breath. You can also get into the habit of microwaving them for a minute or so to try and kill some of the big germs before using it. Just be careful, a wet microwaved sponge will come out the other end feeling pretty hot in your hands.

Kitchen Sponge

Kitchen Sponge