We aren’t sure why but most people in America tend to consider politics as a ‘mans game’. What we do know – the political world is filled with capable, talented and respected female politicians. And many are highly photogenic so we decided to pull together a list of the most gorgeous female politicians in the world who also excel at their jobs. These women have it all and you won’t believe who landed at #1!
Eva Kaili
We are going to kick start our list with the gorgeous Greek Parliament member, Eva Kaili. This blonde bombshell is considered one of the most attractive women in all of politics and in particularly all of Greece. Before politics, Kaili worked for three years at Mega Channel as a professional journalist, attacking important stories and bringing them to light. It totally makes sense that Kaili would transition from her role as a journalist to that of a parliamentary member in the country. We don’t know much about auto insurance quotes but we’re pretty sure we’d buy anything that she tried to sell us, quality auto insurance be darned.
Alina Kabaeva
It is almost unfair how beautiful some of the politicians on this list are. Alina Kabaeva is a Russian politician and former Olympic gymnast. Kabaeva has more credentials than almost any of the rhythmic gymnasts in the world: racking up 2 Olympic medals, 25 European Championship medals, and over a dozen World Championship medals. Kabaeva is known as much for her political maneuvers as she is for almost aggravating good looks. We’re pretty sure that Kabaeva’s presence alone would get us to consider some stock investment plans in Russia, even if that sort of options trading might not make sense right now.