The Most Gorgeous Female Politicians

Published on October 5, 2017

Sabine Uitslag

Sabine Uitslag makes our list all the way from the Netherlands. Uitslag graduated from Maastricht University where she attended in order to become a nurse. Uitslag was part of the Christian Democratic Appeal and her focus has always been in the healthcare world. Uitslag focuses on addressing addiction and other issues affecting the youth of her country. Let’s just say that with her background in education she won’t be slinging online auto insurance quotes for money anytime soon.



Sarah Palin

Whether you loved Palin/McCain or hated them you have to admit that Sarah Palin was a sight to see. Palin didn’t exactly light up the political world with knowledge and crafty public speaking, but she was a nice sight for sore eyes. Palin is as American as they come and she deserves a spot on this list for her natural good looks.

