The Most Gorgeous Female Politicians

Published on October 5, 2017

Hillevi Larsson

Since 2004, Hillevi Larsson has been a Swedish social democratic politician of the Riksdag. Larsson is an avid activist for all human rights, she believes in equality and equal opportunities, and if that wasn’t reason enough to support her, then perhaps her killer looks will do the trick!

Hillevi Larsson

Hillevi Larsson – Sweden

Gabriela Cuevas Barron

Barron is a Mexican politician with the National Action Party (PAN). She was enrolled as a political science major at the Autonomous Technical Institute of Mexico but dropped out to join PAN. She has been an active memebr of PAN since 1994 and has occupied different positions, including head of PAN. Since 2012, she has been the Senator of the State of Mexico. I mean, what more can we say other then she’s super smart and has looks that could kill?

Gabriela Cuevas Barron

Gabriela Cuevas Barron – Mexico