Did These Brothers Just Solve An Unsolvable 200-Year-Old Mystery?

Published on November 21, 2017

Just Keep Digging

Along with his friends, John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, the boy started to dig the earth in hopes of finding something hidden there. After a short while they hit a stone and when they managed to removed it, they managed to keep digging for about 30 feet. At this point they reached a layer of wood and logs which prevented them from digging any further.

They Couldn’t Dig Anymore

Just Keep Digging

Caught In A Trap?

It took an entire 8 years for the site to be worked on again, and the second time the work was done by the Onslow company. As their excavations progressed, every 10 feet they found another layer of oak logs and layers of coconut fiber and charcoal. It was after these layers that they found the stone with the fascinating inscription. Just as they were lifting the stone, a rush of water flooded the remaining area. They couldn’t help but wonder if they had been set up and it was all a trap.

Finding The Stone

Caught In A Trap?