Charles Manson: The Mysterious Story Of Helter Skelter

Published on November 22, 2017

Death Sentences

The “Manson girls” received a much more severe punishment from their leader. The court sentenced each one of them to death for murder. Later the decision would be overturned and they would all spend the rest of their lives in jail. During their trials, Manson carved an ‘X’ into his forehead as a form of protest, and as dedicated followers, the three girls did the same thing.

Death Sentences

Death Sentences

A Swastika

What was once an ‘X’ carved into his forehead, changed to become a swastika. The exact reason that Charles Manson first carved and then tattooed a swastika onto his forehead is still not known. Although, during his time in prison, Manson joined the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist group. Years later, he also joined the church of Scientology and reached the highest level of “theta clear”.

A Swastika

A Swastika