Charles Manson: The Mysterious Story Of Helter Skelter

Published on November 22, 2017

Guns And Cars

Even though the sympathetic judge had sent him to “Boys Town”, a juvenile facility in Nebraska, Manson managed to escape and even get a gun. Along with a friend, he stole a car and then proceeded to use his gun to rob grocery stores, and even a casino. But at the age of 13, during his second grocery store break-in, he was arrested and sent to a a strict reform boys school in Indiana.

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Guns And Cars

The Insane Game

His time at the reform school was anything but pleasant. Other students abused him and since he was a small boy he needed a way to defend himself that wasn’t physical. He created a method he called the “insane game” as a deterrent to attackers. He would screech at the top of his lungs and act crazy by flinging his arms wildly so as to ward off any attackers. After many failed attempts, Manson managed to escape the facility in 1951 with two other boys.

The Insane Game

The Insane Game