Bad Day?
There’s bad days and then there’s bad days. This kid’s day is definitely no exception. All we’re imaging though is the horse saying, “Gerald! Oh my G*d, look! They’ve got chips!”

Bad Day?
Car Rides Are Fun
Taking a car ride can be fun, especially when it gets interpreted by say, a moose. Also, can we just add, these guys have the same smile! How stinkin’ cute.

Car Rides Are Fun
Car Selfie
Road trips call for a #selfie and this family doggie just wanted in on all the fun! He looks super excited too! But, but, what’s he looking at cause it ain’t the camera?!

Car Selfie
Who needs to be serious during a Revolutionary War reenactment? Certainly not this horse. He’s built for bigger and better things like comedy and show business.

Cow Bomb
At first, this guy just wanted to snap a photo of the horse getting caught in the gate, I mean, how did it even manage to do that? And then the cow jumps in! Like, “hahah, look at Jerry! He’s got himself into a bit of a pickle.”

Cow Bomb
Dat View
When all you want to do is snap a photo of the view but your dog has other ideas in mind! Then again, this doggie has just got to be the cutest little rascal we’ve ever laid eyes on.

Dat View
Family Photo
There’s nothing better a family photo, right? I mean, this family’s dog certainly agrees!

Family Photo
Here Fishy
“Ma! Ma! Look! I’m on TV!” This fish, of all animals, has got the photobomb game down. He’s probably been watching Finding Nemo nonstop and just wanted a piece of the pie.

Here Fishy
Good One
This pug has just dropped the ultimate photobomb. “Forget the corgi, it’s all about me and don’t you forget it.”

Good One
Happy VS Not Happy
One of these animals is totally happy and the other, well, isn’t. It’s pretty difficult to tell which is which, right?

Happy VS Not Happy
Hay Is For Horses
All this horse wanted was a picture with his best friend and boy, did he get it! She’ll probably post this at her high school graduation. Right after her parents get her one of those fancy new hybrid cars.

Hay Is For Horses
I Do
Ahh, love is in the air! This wedding seems to have all the trimmings of a wonderful, beautiful day….although the doggie doesn’t seem to agree. Let’s hope the wedding event planner went to the best of the best wedding planner schools to properly cope with the ~cute~ situation at hand.

I Do
I Spy Dinner
“Dad please oh please tell me that what we’re eating for dinner!” Eyes on the prize our furry friend.

I Spy Dinner
Kit Kat
This cat doesn’t look amused at at all, “That darn dog is at it again.”

Kit Kat
Dogs Rule, Cats Drool
Or is it the other way around? We can’t remember. In either case, this cat has just done the ultimate photobomb, and on her most pitted rival, a dog. Well done! Cats everywhere are impressed with your mad ninja stealth.

Dogs Rule, Cats Drool
Now this a dog who knows how to fun buckets of fun! And get this, he’s actually photobombing an elephant…in the water. Doesn’t get better than that.

Move Over Girls
“And then…then he said, why the long face?” Hahahahhaha! This horse has got to be a stand up comedian, he’s killin’ it.

Move Over Girls
Oh Hey
Welcome to my ostrich farm! This could easily the cover photo for the farm’s pamphlet, it’s perfect. Light with bright colors and a striking background, and best of all, it’s hilarious.

Oh Hey
Part Of The Fam
This horse just wants to be part of the family! Come on, just let him take one lousy photo.

Part Of The Fam
Well then. This cat looks like it’s plotting your demise and with great pleasure. Can someone say, “Gulp?”

This bird looks so unimpressed. “Sigh, Carl does this all the time, just ignore him. You’ll only boost his already large ego.”

Seal Yah
Come on, everyone! Group photo! Why is it that the seal is the only one who is paying attention?

Seal Yah
This is how you do a proper #selfie. Just look closely at what the kangaroo is doing and viola!

This hippo’s photobomb is just perfect. He’s just grinning as big as he can, look how happy he is! It’s a sight for sore eyes, really.

Swimming Trip
“Are you sure the three second timer is good enough to capture a kick a** photo?” Well, we’re gonna go with, heck yes! But only because the sea turtle swooped in and saved the day.

Swimming Trip
Wedding Pose Photobomb
Your wedding photographer is there to capture all the incredible moments from your special day so you have something physical to always go back to and admire. And some wedding photographers do the most wonderful job. Like this guy for instance. He’s managed to capture this couple’s beautiful love and an animal photobomb. Two for two, buddy, well done.

Wedding Pose
Well Done
And then there’s this giraffe. He’s totally cropped this woman’s husband from the photo…kind of like he meant to do it and not just an accidental photobomb.

Well Done
What About Me!
Dog photobomb for the win! “Forget the cat, ma, look at me! Look at me!”

What About Me!
Man, horses really have a sense of humor, don’t they?! These two are all about fun and we couldn’t blame them, at all. Let me go talk to my college wedding planner about getting some horses for my future big day.

The Backstabber
And this is exactly why you should never turn your back on someone, especially a reptile. Because (clearly) you never know what shenanigans and/or silly faces they’ll pull.

Where’s Waldo?
There’s honestly one too many hilarious things happening in this photo, that we initially couldn’t even notice the smiling stingray. Between the three girls (in front) looking scared/hurt/shocked/needing to pee, the two cheerful elderly ladies (right back) reminiscing on the good old days, the group of kids about to go scuba diving, and the almost fake looking smile on the stingrays face — can you say Kodak moment?

Group Hug
Youuu Whoooo!
Moral of the story/picture: you never know what kind of creatures you’ll find in the jungle, more specifically what kind of creatures will just pop their little head right into your picture. Well hello there little guy!

Youuu Whooooo
I Do Too!
Either this cutie dolphin was chosen to officiate this couples wedding or he’s quite envious of the groom’s uniquely awesome outfit. You’ll find your dolphin soulmate one day, don’t you worry little friend.

I Do Too
It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s…
Just your average flying cat. And apparently seeing a “flying cat” is totally normal and common for these folks, carrying on their business per usual.

Its A Bird, Its A Plane…
Nothing To See Here
The cat had one job, and one job only: to jump right in front of the camera whenever someone tries to snap a photo of mommy and daddy kissing. This rule applies only on their wedding day.

Nothing To See Here
The Manfish
Here’s something (or someone) movies/documentaries/TV shows/magazines haven’t revealed yet, “The Manfish.” When you have a fish head, human body, and you live under the sea, “Watch out Michael Phelps!”

Under The Sea
Zooming In On Life Like…
We can only imagine the photographers face when he got to/saw this amazingly funny photo. You know, casually filtering through all of the wedding photos, choosing the best one, and BAM! you stumble upon this gem. This is too good!

Zooming In On Life Like…
Okay Now Make A Silly Face
Wow, this is the best (extended) family photo we’ve seen in awhile! And when the guy in the white shirt (on all fours) suggested, “okay now make a funny face,” the puppy decided against that idea and just smiled ever-so preciously!

Okay Now Make A Silly Face
You Think He Can See Me?
“Hey, I want to see the photo too! Especially considering the fact that the photo features the one-and-only Moi!”

You Think He Can See Me
Look Up
And from the frightened/confused look on the gorilla’s face, we’re going to assume that this is the first (and last) time he’ll be participating in a photo shoot. Camera shy?

Look Up
Say Cheese!
And they’re the three best friends that anyone could have! Big smiles all around, well for the kitty cat that is.

Say Cheese!
The Perfect Swoop
That perfect swoop surely made for the perfect (different) bouquet. Okay yea he’s not really the bouquet, but the picture evidently shows otherwise.

The Perfect Swoop
Oh Heyyyyyyy
And he’s all like, “yea so, what’s so special about giraffes? Look at me instead!”

Oh Heyyyyyyy
So besides the lady (second from the right), all the other ladies have zero clue what’s massively standing behind them. Now you’re probably thinking, “how does that one lady know about the elephant?” Because she’s taking a selfie.. duh!

Finding Dory II
Okay first of all, COOL! And second of all, this can’t be Dory because Pixar has already found her (hence the movie “Finding Dory”). Maybe this is her long-lost cousin?

Finding Dory 2
Welp, that’s certainly one way to make an entrance! Although, we’re not sure how happy his bestie is about that.

The Favorite
Oh. Guess we know who the family favorite is, now don’t we?

The Favorite
These guys look like the bestest friends in the whole wide world and our hearts are seriously just bursting with joy!

Don’t Forget to Smile
General rule of thumb: always smile for photos cause you never know what you’ll capture! Case in point.

Dont Forget To Smile
Scuba Fantastic
Perhaps this is the greatest underwater selfie of all time? I mean, it’s just gotta be!

Scuba Fantastic
Now This is How You Selfie
Just in case you were wondering what the best method was to snap that perfect selfie, take a look at this guy and his cat. Now this is how it’s done!

Now This Is How You Selfie
Oh man, when we said we had the most perfect animal photobombs, well, we weren’t kidding! Just look at this little fella, paw-fect!

Not an Important Speech
So how can you tell if a speech ISN’T important? Well, this is certainly one way!

Not An Important Speech
Perfect timing? Yeah, we’d say that’s an understatement.

It’s been said, and quite often, that cats are evil. Like Austin Powers evil. Just look at this photo and uhh, yeah, that just says it all.

Bridal Party
Guess this horse just desperately wanted to be part of the bridal party and hey, we don’t blame him! Make sure he gets a framed copy, okay?

Bridal Party
Following the wedding theme, here’s another! Looks like this cat is just the photographer’s assistant, he’s there to help you know where to stand and how to pose. Purr-fect.

Purr Fect
Hey Buddy
Brother from another mother, or something cute like that. Right? Yeah, we’d say so!

Hey Buddy
Okay, so maybe this isn’t a photobomb but come on, it’s hilarious! I’m roaring with laughter right now.

Kitty Hungry
We’re gonna go out on a limb and assume that the cat is hungry? Just look at the fish and his facial expression, says it all!

Kitty Hungry
Typical Tourist
It’s a golden rule that a tourist, you take photos to document your trip. Looks like this guy got more than he bargained for!

Typical Tourist
Duck Face
Now, here’s a duck face photo that we can actually get behind. Right after we finish laughing!

Duck Face
Hear me Roar
Let me play you the song of my people! While I photobomb your perfect photo of course! Two birds, one stone, that whole kinda thing.

Hear Me Roar
Work’s Good, Mom
Next time you’re on the phone with your mom and she’s grilling you about work, just remember this guy and it won’t be so bad!

Works Good Mom
Your Baby Seems A Bit Off Today
This woman’s baby seems to look a little bit different today. However, she just can’t put her finger on what seems off. Hopefully she figures it out sooner than later.

Your Baby Seems A Bit Off Today
What’s Up Guys?
Within every large group of individuals, there is always one who feels the need to stand out. Gus the Duck loves attention, and so he decided to run way ahead of his group in order to get a close-up before anyone else.

What’s Up Guys?
What Are We Yelling About?
This guy’s cat is such a loyal pet, that when she saw him open his mouth and looking like he’s about to shout, she didn’t even hesitate to join in. She figured she could just ask him later what all the yelling was about, but she just wanted to support him anyways.

What Are We Yelling About?
We’re Really Close
You know what they say…when you spend a lot of time with someone, you start looking like one another. This dog and her owner spend so much time together that they’ve quite literally merged together into one inseparable being!

We’re Really Close
This Isn’t My Most Flattering Angle
This poor little guy has told his human over and over again that he hates photos that are taken from below. But does his human listen? Certainly not. However, this time this furry fellow has had enough and refuses to pose for this picture.

This Isn’t My Most Flattering Angle
This Is My Shore
Here we see the epic showdown between this penguin and a woman sunbathing at the beach. Each one is feeling territorial, as they each believe that he or she was the first one to reach this spot. Hopefully they soon realize that there’s plenty of room for everyone!

This Is My Shore
Pay Attention To Me Too
While everyone was impressed by puppy Andrew digging a big hole on the shore, his twin brother Jesse was getting tired of nobody paying attention to him. Therefore, he decided to make a scene. Now he’s got the attention of everyone around for all the wrong reasons!

Pay Attention To Me Too
Oh Hello There
These two girls were so excited for their beachside photoshoot. Little did they know that they would have a special guest appearance. This little guy was just taking his evening run on the beach when he ran right into the camera!

Oh Hello There
Not For Your Eyes
While these two lovebirds decided to celebrate their honeymoon by taking a scuba diving lesson, the fish in the water weren’t too pleased with their excessive PDA. This fish decided to take matters into his own hands and censor the photo.

Not For Your Eyes
These two adorable girls have no idea that their bananas are in grave danger of being snatched right out of their hands! Then again, maybe they should have thought of bringing a different snack to the gorilla zoo.

Look Ma, No Hands
This little birdie has been working on this trick for months. Now that he finally accomplished his goal of learning it, he can’t help but show it off to anyone who is willing to watch him.

Look Ma, No Hands
Let Me In
The drive-in zoo is quite a special experience. You can get up close and personal with the zoo animals in a unique way. This guy got more than he bargained for with this zebra, who was a quite interested in his car’s interior space.

Let Me In
Is He Giving Me Bunny Ears Again?
This poor little squirrel. He was so tired of other animals sabotaging his efforts of trying to get a good photo for his dating profile. This moose decided to pull a prank on him and give him bunny ears…err, well maybe in this case we should call them moose ears?

Is He Giving Me Bunny Ears Again?
How’s My New Hair?
Getting a new hairstyle is always an intimidating prospect. Wouldn’t it be great if you could try on a wig with the potential new hairstyle before fully committing? That’s exactly what this little frog decided to do. What do you think of his new ‘do?

How’s My New Hair?
Excuse Me, I Was Here First
While this photographer was excited to snap a picture of the brightly colored orange fish, the grey fish was tired of being overlooked time and time again, and he decided to be assertive and make sure he got his photo taken at least once.

Excuse Me, I Was Here First
Crashing Swim Class
This family was so excited to start their “swimming with dolphins” class that they didn’t notice that there was a straggler on the side! While Phil the dolphin wasn’t supposed to be at this class, he didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so he decided to crash!

Crashing Swim Class
Can’t Wait Until I Can Drive
There is nothing quite as exciting as first getting your driver’s license. This little fellow simply could not contain his excitement for his upcoming driver’s license test, that he accidentally got in his dad’s way while they were driving over to the test!

Can’t Wait Until I Can Drive
Can You Please Delete This?
Mary the squirrel was so fed up with Cindy the human who loved taking candid photos of Mary while she’s eating. This time was one time too many. She demanded that Cindy delete the photo, but unfortunately for Mary, it has already circulated around the internet.

Can You Please Delete This?
Can I Join The Family Photo?
This mother and daughter were having a lovely bonding day at the zoo. The little girl was having a great time until this giraffe decided to join in on the photo. The poor giraffe didn’t mean to scare the little girl, he just wanted to say hello!

Can I Join The Family Photo?
Are We Still Playing?
This dolphin thought that they were all playing a game of hide and seek. He had been hiding for over an hour when he went to see what was going on. He then discovered the family he thought he was playing with was actually busy taking photos!

Are We Still Playing?