15+ Costumes Mistakes In Major Films

Published on June 26, 2017

The Color Purple: Clip-on Ties Didn’t Exist Yet

Hmm, this film retells the story from the original novel by Alice Walker about the lives of African American women during the 1930’s living in the south. Not a huge catch in the wardrobe but still a snag, Danny Glover appears in the film wearing a clip on tie that was only to be seen a decade later than the 1916 setting.

The Color Purple

The Color Purple

Gangs of New York: Firefighters Modern Uniforms Don’t Make Sense

A huge cast and incredible performances makes the mistakes in this movie hard to notice. But they were, and here’s the one that stood out extra – the firemen are dressed in modern garb rather than the periods early fire gear.

Gangs Of New York

Gangs Of New York