15+ Costumes Mistakes In Major Films

Published on June 26, 2017

The Last Samurai: Tom Cruise’s Armor Was Too Old

Tom Cruise. That name alone is enough to get people to the cinema ASAP. So when The Last Samurai hit the big screen which tells the story of a retired U.S. officer who encounters Japanese samurai warriors, it’s enough to peak one’s interest. Although the armor that Cruise wears is way too old, in fact its 250 years old! What we mean is that his costume is from 250 years prior to the time period that he’s in.

The Last Samuri

The Last Samuri

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Modern Sunglasses

No one can deny that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has a seriously confusing story line but on top of that, it also sports a rather silly wardrobe mistake. Brad Pitt is seen wearing Ray Ban sunglasses in a scene in the year 1945…. But Ray Bans weren’t made until 1952 so?

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button