15+ Costumes Mistakes In Major Films

Published on June 26, 2017

Almost Famous: The Black Sabbath T-shirt

In a film that hit us right in the teenage feelz, no one can forget this timeless classic of youth in revolt. Filled with hilarious anecdotes and of course Kate Hudson, this movie’s directors didn’t notice the poorly place Black Sabbath t-shirt on one of the cast members. The shirts were only made around 1997 but the movie is set in the early seventies.

Almost Famous

Almost Famous

Pearl Harbor: Bare Legs Weren’t Appropriate

Now, some films manage to do their research on time periods and period appropriate attires and some don’t. And to no fault of online college either. Whether it’s for cinematic genius or simply an attempt at being scandalous, the female heroes in this film are seen without stockings with their skirts, a big no-no at the time. Simply too revealing.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor