Hilarious Tattoo Fails That Will Last A Lifetime

Published on March 7, 2018

Unrecognizable Angelina

We all have that one celebrity that we just can’t get enough of. For some of us, that affinity extends beyond just being a fan. Some people want to immortalize their love for a celebrity, like this person who just loves Angelina Jolie so much. Unfortunately, the tattoo artist failed to capture Jolie’s signature look.

Unrecognizable Angelina

Unrecognizable Angelina

Holy Moly

Believing in a higher power helps many of us cope with life’s biggest mysteries. For many, knowing that there is something greater out there helps motivate us to take more risks. This guy in particular felt confident in all of his decisions, as he believes only a higher being can “juge” him.

Holy Moly

Holy Moly