25 Things The President Of The United States CAN Actually Do

Published on June 6, 2017
The latest US political election result has had a lot of people digging in, rolling up their sleeves and investigating just what it is the President of the United States can actually do. Contrary to popular belief, the President cannot do that much, America is not a dictatorship people. Go ahead and check out this list of 25 things the President CAN actually do.

Two Terms

The President may serve only two terms in office if elected to do so. Two terms means four years each in office so a grand total of eight. Do you think they get chocolate gift baskets at the end or do the perks they have totally outweigh any basket? Yeah we’re guessing its the latter.

Two Terms

Two Terms

Commander in Chief

As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, yes, the President can direct troops where he wishes. If its for humanitarian relief and aid (like when the Ebola crisis happened in East Africa). If the President chooses to move the troops to a hostile place to fight for America then he has 90 days for Congress to approve that act. It is important to note that the President cannot actually declare war, Congress is the only one who can.

Commander In Chief

Commander In Chief


Address the Nation

If there is ever any trouble crippling the nation, it is up to the President to address a broken and hurting nation. Think of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address or when George W Bush addressed the nation following 9/11. These are the times that the President really gets into the hearts and minds of the American people.

Address The Nation

Address The Nation


Serious Offenses

Even the President can’t out run the law. The President himself can be tried for treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. Not only can they be tried but they can be removed from office following their conviction. This process is known as impeachment. If this should happen then the Vice President will be sworn in. And nowadays, no one needs to really hire a private investigator to dig up dirt, reporters will do that for free.

Serious Offenses

Serious Offenses


State of the Union

Every January the President is required to give an annual State of the Union speech to Congress and the nation. This speech is not like an ordinary speech as all. It covers the current state of the union and where we are headed as a nation.

State Of The Union

State Of The Union



The President does have the right to convene Congress during extreme circumstances. He also holds the power adjourn them if needed, as it is stated in Article II of the Constitution under section three.





The President may grant pardons or reprieves for individuals who have been convicted of Federal Crimes. However in the case of impeachment, the President cannot pardon him or herself if they are convicted of a crime while in office. To date, Barack Obama has pardoned more people than the last 11 sitting presidents combined.




Emergency Powers

If a major crisis occurs, the President may use emergency powers. It isn’t particularly clear in the Constitution what these powers are but they are implied. These allow the President to declare Federal Disaster Areas so that the necessary aid can be spent and sent without congressional approval.

Emergency Powers

Emergency Powers


Party Leader

This one is kind of a no-brainer. The President is the official party leader of their respective political party while they are in office. The Party Leader is the most powerful person within that specific party. They undertake the responsibility of representing their party to the nation, addressing their party when needed, and steering party policy when called for.

Party Leader

Party Leader


Party Rights

Even the President has the right to throw a wicked cool party. Even the Obama’s threw a party back in 2013 known as the ‘South by South Lawn’. While most of us don’t know what happens in those parties, we do know that sometimes they last all night and well into the next morning. Crazy.

Party Rights

Party Rights



Yes, the President does have the power to veto a bill that has been passed by Congress. However, it is important to note that Congress can override the Presidential veto, although that has rarely ever happened. Usually is a President threathens to veto, changes will typically happen in the bill to ensure it passes.




Appoint Federal Officials

There are a few federal officials that the President can appoint without an election but he or she typically does need Senate approval. Such officials include ambassadors, Secretary of State, SCOTUS judges and more. Some of those actually need to be approved by Congress rather than the Senate like the SCOTUS judges and ambassadors.

Appoint Federal Officials

Appoint Federal Officials



The budget falls down to the hands of the President entirely. He or she must take months to prepare the budget and submit his proposal for approval by Congress.





Yes, even the President gets vacation days. It IS the toughest and most stressful job that there is. However if there is a national emergency or situation, the President will be called back to Washington immediately. Republican President George W Bush took way more vacation days than Barack Obama has although Obama plays more golf so we guess it’s pretty even.




Executive Office of the President

The President really doesn’t have time to do every little thing which is why he has his own Executive Office to do it for him. Some 4,000 people are employed to help him do his day to day tasks. Like not forget anyone’s birthday and send them gifts and cards, just as an example. And yes, this staff is on call 24/7.

The West Wing

Executive Office of the President


Execute Laws

This is by far one of most important roles of the president, to faithfully execute the laws of this country. It is even explicitly stated so in the Constitution. Regardless of their own personal beliefs on the matter, the president must carry this out as long as the law is constitutionally valid.

Execute Laws

Execute Laws


Gold Codes

Gold Codes are in fact the Nuclear Launch Codes and yes, the President has these with him at all times. These cards are printed on a plastic card that is known as ‘The Biscuit’ for whatever reason. The President is the ONLY person who can authorize the use of the gold codes. If the President is harmed somehow and cannot carry out the order then it is the duty of the Vice President to do so. There is also a device that follows the President which allows him to address the nation if an emergency breaks out.

Gold Codes

Gold Codes



So the President makes an annual salary of about $400,000, has a huge staff for his every need, and gets to live in a huge and amazing house. The President also gets additional funds which amount up to a million a year. After a President retires, they get about $200,000 a year plus an additional $100,000 a year for staff. They also have a lifetime of secret service protection and additional travel expenses. Not bad, eh?




Foreign Nations

It is the duty and responsibility of the President to maintain American’s ties with foreign nations. That is why the President appoints ambassadors, Secretary of State, and counsels. The president may respond to certain foreign events that have occurred, they can propose legislature, and can negotiate agreements, like trade.

Foreign Nations

Foreign Nations


Entertainment Perks

Yes, the President also gets entertainment perks. Most notably was when President Obama asked to see advancements of Game of Thrones episodes!

Entertainment Perks

Entertainment Perks


Executive Orders

This is a legally binding order from the President to the Federal Agencies. Typically these are used to direct execution of the agencies duties and these orders do not require approval from congress but they are as enforceable as other laws.

Executive Orders

Executive Orders


Legislation to Congress

While only a member of Congress can introduce that a legislation is voted on, it is the duty of the President to recommend some legislation. Like promises that he or she made during their campaign, such as budgets or laws. It is during the State of the Union that the President presents his ideas and he or she may ask that a member of Congress sponsor their legislative idea.

Legislation To Congress

Legislation To Congress


Turkey, turkey

Ahh the annual pardoning of the turkey. Abraham Lincoln in 1863 was presented with the first ever turkey to be pardoned at the White House. It is has been a long standing tradition ever since George H Bush brought the tradition back. Every turkey presented to the President on Thanksgiving day would be pardoned, meaning it would not be slaughtered and eaten at the White House.

Reagan Turkey

Turkey, turkey


Executive Privilege

This is the right of the President, if he or she so chooses, to refuse to disclose information to the public or other branches of government.

Executive Privilege

Executive Privilege


Federal Agencies

One of the powers that the President has is the ability to create or dismantle Federal Agencies through executive action. This is often a power that most Presidents overlook even if it’s vey influential. That’s how the Department of Homeland Security was created, folks, it’s a pretty big deal.

Federal Agencies

Federal Agencies