10 Awful Exercises for People Over 40

Published on October 5, 2016

Rear Neck Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns are one of our favorite exercises to perform on the cable machine because they are such well rounded lifts. Lat pulldowns can be performed all throughout your life but you need to make sure that you follow some proper precautions. The biggest precaution that you need to be aware of this: avoiding doing lat pulldowns behind your neck as you age. Any time that you lose alignment with your arms and shoulders you are asking for some serious trouble. This is an unnatural position for young lifters and it is an almost impossible lift for people prone to shoulder and neck injuries. Opt to keep the bar where you can see it and focus on slow, steady repetitions that engage you between your shoulder blades. Try changing up your grip, going wide and tight, to experience different sensations and muscle group developments.



Box Jumps

You’ve probably seen those fancy Crossfit gyms on television and what you’ll notice is that all of them have jacked dudes jumping onto and off of big boxes. Box jumps are great ways to train your twitch muscles, firm up your glutes, and work out in an explosive and impressive way. However, as you get older these box jumps becoming more and more dangerous for your health. Box jumps create a ton of pressure on your Achilles and if you aren’t careful you might end up having one snap or tear on you. A torn Achilles is just as uncomfortable as it sounds. If you still want to train your lower body in an explosive way then consider looking into goblet squats. Goblet squats will work out your lower body and you will have more control over bailing on the exercise if you need to.

Box Jumps

Box Jumps