A Not-So-Healthy Twist On Popular Breakfast Foods

Published on January 18, 2016

Pancakes With Syrup

Most pancakes are made with highly-processed ingredients that provide minimal benefits to contribute to our health. And while a couple of stacked pancakes aren’t too horrible, the butter, syrup, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream toppings (yum) are what really ruin this breakfast. Plus, who are we kidding? Most restaurants serving size is a minimum of four large pancakes.

Order this instead: a bowl of energizing vitamin-B rich oatmeal topped with fresh berries, honey, and granola.



Light Yogurt

Light yogurt is simply filled with sugar alternatives that seek to sweeten up the food while keeping the calories down. What you end up getting is a yogurt that is filled with chemicals that doesn’t do anything for you. Plus, light yogurt is pretty bland and blah — not so much taste going on there.

We suggest this instead: Greek yogurt with the fruit(s) and/or nuts of your choice.

