Salmon and Collard Greens.
If you really need to be a carnivore than there is no better source of protein and meaty goodness than in some wild caught salmon. Wild caught salmon is dramatically better than the factory farmed garbage that you’ll find in the discount freezer at your grocery store. Salmon is loaded with Omega 3’s, vitamins, and protein. Collard greens are rich in calcium and they work wonderfully when partnered up with salmon. Adding greens to your diet should be a staple by this point in time so we are sure that you can think of a few ways to mix these two foods together.

Salmon and Collard Greens
Greek Yogurt and Blueberries.
If you really want to talk about breakfast ideas then you should look straight to Greek yogurt and blueberries as your new combination of choice. Greek yogurt is filled to the brim with healthy nutritional additions with protein being the biggest addition. Blueberries are enormously healthy for you despite how great they taste and it just so happens that they are loaded with antioxidants. Add a handful of blueberries to your morning yogurt for a breakfast fit for the healthiest among us. This combo should satisfy your sweet tooth while helping you detox.

Greek Yogurt and Blueberries
Tomatoes and Olive Oil.
Tomatoes are some of the best foods that you can add into your diet. They are delicious, sweet, and flexible enough to be incorporated in just about every dish imaginable. Now we are seeing that you can add olive oil along with your tomatoes for just about the tastiest combination of all. Tomatoes and olive oil combine to give you a higher dose of the antioxidant lycopene compared to when they are served separately. You can make a great tomato sauce using these two foods as your base or you can go for a mozzarella, olive oil, and tomato salad — it’s all good! Your body needs antioxidants and you owe it to your taste buds to make sure they taste good on the way down.

Tomatoes and Olive Oil
Spinach and Kale.
If you are in dire need of Vitamin K in your diet then look no further than your favorite leafy greens: spinach and kale. Both kale and spinach are filled to the brim with Vitamin K and they’ll do wonders for your overall health. Vitamin K helps you keep your bones strong and your blood free of clots. Mix the two greens in a salad and add some balsamic vinegar with a handful of fresh tomatoes and you’ve got one heck of a healthy salad.

Spinach and Kale
Garlic and Salmon.
Salmon makes it back to our menu and this time it is next to another healthy little additive: garlic. Garlic is well known for its heart healing properties as it helps to fight high cholesterol. Adding garlic to your meal can be a great way to destroy your breath while helping to keep your heart in check. Salmon is another heart healthy food so having the two paired together makes for an easy dish that is as good for you as it is tasty.

Garlic and Salmon
Green Tea and Black Pepper.
This is an odd combination to be sure but it is one that undoubtedly works. Black pepper’s piperine helps make your body more accessible to nutrient uptake. Green tea is filled with epigallocatechin-3-gallate, otherwise known as EGCG, which is known to fight cancer. Adding in a sprinkle of black pepper to your tea to get the benefits or use both the green tea and the pepper as a marinade for your steak!

Green Tea and Black Pepper.
Black Beans and Red Bell Peppers.
Black beans are just about the perfect food for people on the budget. Black beans are affordable, nutritious, and easy to incorporate into a whole variety of dishes. Black beans are also a great source of iron and your body definitely needs it. However, iron in plant based food is harder to absorb for humans because it is known as non-heme iron. However, foods that are rich in vitamin C, like the red bell pepper, help your body to absorb this non-heme iron. We are sure you can get creative with these two superfoods but we highly suggest making tacos! Throw down some fresh tomatoes and you’ve got yourself a superfood dinner that’ll keep you hankering for more.

Black Beans and Red Bell Peppers
Turmeric and Black Pepper.
Get ready to mix some spice and you’ll be happy you did! Turmeric and black pepper make up the next combiantion of superfoods that you just have to try. Black pepper has something called ‘piperine’ inside of it that works well with the antioxidants and body healing agents that are found in turmeric. When they are combined you get an increased availability of curcumin, the antioxidant found in turmeric, and your body will thank you for it. Mix these spices together in any number of dishes for a great health effect. Black pepper is easy to add on to just about anything.

Turmeric and Black Pepper
Avocados and Tomatoes.
Tomatoes are going to become the partner of choice when it comes down to pairing up superfoods, but for good reason! Avocados demand your attention first of all because they are just about the healthiest way for you to get fat into your diet. Avocados are loaded with protein and healthy fat and they work wonders to help your body absorb the nutrients of other foods on your dish. Adding in healthy, fresh tomatoes will give you a combo that is as tasty as it is nutritious. The next time you reach for a BLT make sure to add in some avocado on there for a creamy, delicious, and healthy finish to a great sandwich.

Avocados and Tomatoes.
Strawberries and Oats.
Making breakfasts out of superfoods is so easy that it should be unhealthy — thankfully it isn’t, though. We highly suggest adding in some diced up organic strawberries to your morning bowl of oatmeal or corn flakes. Strawberries are filled with the kind of nutrients that help to prevent colon cancer while your oatmeal has enough fiber to keep you healthy while also keeping your heart in the best shape possible. Skip the sugary cereals and opt to sweeten your bowl of breakfast with fruit instead.

Strawberries and Oats
Apples and Dark Chocolate.
It’s about time we got to the chocolate, right? When eaten in moderation dark chocolate can do absolute wonders for your overall health. Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and the treat itself is very good for your heart. Apples have been well revered for their heart disease fighting ability, thanks in large part to antioxidants, and it’s no surprise that these two foods should pair up with one another. We highly suggest getting organic apples and eating the fruit with the peel on as most of the benefits come straight from that peel. When selecting dark chocolate look for a brand that is high in cacao and low in sugar. The general rule of thumb is this: the darker the chocolate the healthier it is for you.

Apples and Dark Chocolate
Almonds and Kale.
Kale should be the baseline by which all other leafy greens are judged. Kale is filled to the brim with vitamins: K, A, C, E and more. Kale mixed with almonds makes both the vitamins more soluble as well as the almonds more effective with its fat content. You are also getting a load of antioxidants to roung everything out. Mix some chopped up almonds in a salad with kale as a base for a healthy treat.

Almonds and Kale
Bananas and Peanut Butter.
This is the go-to combination for college kids on a budget. Peanut Butter is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats while bananas have starch and handfuls of other vitamins. The protein in the peanut butter as well as the vitamins in the banana will give you a kick of energy that some rival to a small cup of coffee. This is also a sweet treat for picky eaters to munch on.

Bananas and Peanut Butter
Acai Juice and Blackberries.
Acai juice is definitely an acquired taste but once you learn to get it down you will be living large as a result. Acai juice boosts the level of antioxidants in your blood and helps keep your body clean and clear of any potential diseases. Blend in some blackberries and flaxseed and you’ll have a fiber filled, nutrient packed, antioxidant fueled drink that you can enjoy gulping down.

Acai Juice and Blackberries