Russia: Facts Hardly Anyone Knows, Obviously

Published on December 20, 2017

Gassy Business

You don’t need a calculator to understand this, just your imagination. The Earth is 40,075 kilometers in circumference, got it? Good. Russia is one of the greatest gas exporters in the world. Their pipelines are 259,913 kilometers long, which means they can technically wrap around the Earth… six times!

Gassy Business

Gassy Business

Subway Dogs

Many cities around the world have a “homeless dog” problem, but perhaps not as unique as those in Russian cities. The “metro dogs” causally get on and off the Russian subway system at all hours of the day. A Russian biologist by the name of Dr. Andrey Poyarkov, says that these dogs understand how to come to the city during the day to get food and then return in the evening back to the suburbs.

Subway Dogs

Subway Dogs