Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017
At some point everyone tries out a new weight loss program in hopes of shedding a few extra pounds. But if it happens to be a person’s last meal before they’re executed, what do they have to lose? Here is a list of some of the strangest “last meal” requests ever heard of.

Lobster, Steak, Ice Cream, Pie and The Lord of the Rings

Ronnie Lee Gardner was an American criminal who was charged with murder and later sentenced to death by firing squad. His idea of a perfect last meal consisted of lobster, steak, ice-cream, pie and watching the full trilogy of The Lord of the Rings.

Lobster Steak Ice Cream Pie And The Lord Of The Rings Movie1

Lobster, Steak, Ice Cream, Pie And The Lord Of The Rings Movie

Justice, Equality and World Peace

Traditionally when a deathrow inmate is offered his final meal, he chooses something that he loves, and it is usually edible too. However 31-year-old Odelle Barnes did something quite different. Instead of requesting something to eat, he declared that what he really wanted for his last meal, was “justice, equality and world peace”.

Justice Equality And World Peace

Justice, Equality And World Peace


Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Timothy McVeigh’s name has become synonymous with the deadly Oklahoma Bombing of 1995. Aside from wreaking havoc in one of the worst American terrorist attacks ever recorded, he is also noted with having quite a sweet tooth. Before he was sentenced to death by lethal injection, he requested two pints of mint chocolate chip ice-cream.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream


Carmel Wine

Secret Israeli Mossad agents captured senior Nazi official Adolf Eichmann while he was hiding in Argentina. After his trial back in Israel for war crimes and genocide during the Holocaust, he was sentenced to death by hanging. Before he went, he requested just a bottle of Carmel wine which ironically was an Israeli brand.

Carmel Wine

Carmel Wine


Sugar-Free Black Walnut Ice Cream

Since convicted murderer Clarence Ray Allen suffered from diabetes, he made very specific meal requests. First he started with a bucket of KFC chicken (only white pieces) and then followed with sugar-free pecan pie, sugar-free walnut ice cream, and whole milk. He strategically let the ice-cream thaw for one hour and then turned it into milkshake by hand.

Sugar Free Black Walnut Ice Cream

Sugar-Free Black Walnut Ice Cream



Lawrence Russell Brewer requested one of the most outlandish meal requests ever when he decided that he wanted the following: A plate of two chicken-fried steaks with gravy and sliced onions, a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet with ground beef, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, jalapeños, a bowl of fried okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecued meat with half a loaf of white bread, a portion of three fajitas, a meat-lover’s pizza topped with pepperoni, ham, beef, bacon, and sausage, a pint of Blue Bell beer, a serving of ice cream, a slab of peanut-butter fudge with crushed peanuts, and a serving equal to three root beers. When it came, he said that he didn’t want it anymore. It was this decision that caused the State of Texas to stop granting last meals.




Kentucky Fried Chicken

Killer John Wayne Gacy’s last meal included 12 fried shrimp, a bucket of original recipe KFC fried chicken, French fries and a pound of strawberries. At 230 lb (104 kg), he probably should have settled for something a little more friendly for his weight loss program, but then again, did it really matter?

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken


Nothing And A Cheeseburger

Delbert Teague Junior didn’t want to eat anything when it came to his last meal request. His mother on the other hand was not ready to see her son sent to his death by legal injection without anything in his belly. After lots of pestering and encouragement, as is expected of any mom, Delbert relinquished and took a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

Nothing And A Cheeseburger

Nothing And A Cheeseburger


Wiener Schnitzel, Fried Potatoes and White Wine

The “Vampire of Dusseldorf”, Peter Kurten, didn’t order anything too outrageous. He asked for Wiener schnitzel, fried potatoes and white wine before he was executed by guillotine in 1931. Once he had finished up his last meal, he quickly asked for a second serving, and believe it or not, he received it!

Wiener Schnitzel Fried Potatoes And White Wine

Wiener Schnitzel Fried Potatoes And White Wine


Medium-Rare Steak

Ted Bundy was a notorious American serial killer who was sentenced to death by electric chair at the age of 43. Although he declined the request for a last meal, he was given the standard last meal of medium-rare steak, eggs over easy, hash browns, toast with butter and jelly, milk, and juice. Not a bad addition to your weight loss program.

Ted Bundy

Medium-Rare Steak


One Black Olive

Robert Buell was all kinds of crazy. Not only was he a murderer, but he was also a farming visionary. When prison officials asked him in 2002 what he wanted for his last meal, he answered, “A single black olive with the pit still in”. His wish was to grow an olive tree out of, well, his own body. Who would eat those olives we have to wonder.

One Black Olive

One Black Olive


Kool-Aid and Pecan Pie

Ricky Ray Rector found himself on death row after being convicted of two murders. When it came time for his last meal requests, he asked for steak, friend chicken, Kool-aid and pecan pie. However, he didn’t finish eating his pie, and not because he was on some weight loss program. He told a guard that he was “saving it for later”.

Kool Aid And Pecan Pie

Kool Aid And Pecan Pie


Cheeseburgers, Cokes, Fries, and Ice Cream

After Eric Nance received the news of his death sentence, he wanted to have a last meal that would include all of his favorites. He enjoyed two bacon cheeseburgers, French fries, two pints of chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream and two cans of Coca-Cola.

Cheeseburgers Cokes Fries And Ice Cream

Cheeseburgers Cokes Fries And Ice Cream


Every Damn Thing

Thomas Grasso was not shy to make his last meal a memorable one. His meal consisted of: Two dozen steamed mussels, two dozen steamed clams (with a wedge of lemon), a Burger King double cheeseburger, half a dozen of barbecued spare ribs, two strawberry milkshakes, half of a pumpkin pie with whipped cream, diced strawberries, and a can of SpaghettiOs with meatballs. Moments before he died,he shouted, “I did not get my SpaghettiOs, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this”.

Every Damn Thing

Every Damn Thing


Not a Damn Thing

Troy Davis lost his appetite before his execution in 2011. He told prison officials that for his last meal he wanted the regular cheeseburger, potatoes, baked beans, slaw, cookies and a grape drink that the prison provided. When it came time for the final meal, he changed his mind, and then his order to… nothing.

Not A Damn Thing

Not A Damn Thing


Vegetarian Pizza (For the Homeless)

Philip Ray Workman’s trial and murder charges brought up a fortune of controversy, but his last meal request raised many eyebrows and $1200 worth of pizzas! Workman himself, didn’t want to eat anything and requested that vegetarian pizzas be sent to homeless people. When his request was denied, members of the public and friends got together to honor his last wish.

Vegetarian Pizza For The Homeless

Vegetarian Pizza For The Homeless


Lump of Dirt

James Edward Smith really wanted to get something unique for his final meal. He asked for a lump of dirt that was supposed to be used for some voodoo ritual. As you guessed, the request was turned down and no voodoo ritual took place. What he did eat was some yogurt – a small adjustment to his original meal idea and maybe a tip for a decent weight loss program.

Lump Of Dirt

Lump Of Dirt


Birthday Cake

“Live everyday as if it’s your birthday.” Miguel Richardson lived by this ideology well into his final hours. For his last meal, he requested: A chocolate birthday cake with “2/23/90” written on top, seven pink candles, one coconut, kiwi fruit juice, pineapple juice, one mango, grapes, lettuce, cottage cheese, peaches, one banana, one delicious apple, a chef’s salad without meat and with a thousand-island dressing, fruit salad, cheese, and tomato slices.

Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake


Bread and Wine

Jonathan Nobles was not necessarily a religious man before he made his way into prison, but he did have a religious request for his last meal. He asked for the “Eucharist” – it is the Christian ceremony commemorating the “Last Supper”, when bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. His own version of the “Last Supper” was kept in tradition with wine and bread.

Bread And Wine

Bread And Wine


A Bag Of Chips

It’s no surprise that some death-row inmates don’t have an appetite when it comes time for them to order their last meal. One clear example of this, is Wanda Jean Allen, who chose to ask for just a bag of chips.

Wanda Jean Allen

A Bag Of Chips


A Banana, Peach And Garden Salad

Karla Faye Tucker had the media following her case with great interest. Almost every move of hers was broadcast on television and printed in the paper during the mid 90’s. Believe it or not, the attention she gained followed her until her dying moments. She decided on a banana, a peach and a garden salad as her last meal.

Karla Faye Tucker

A Banana, Peach And Garden Salad


Asparagus, Strawberries, Broccoli, Tomatoes, And Hot Tea

Judy Buenoano made headlines in 1997 and 1998 when she confessed to taking the lives of her husband and son. But the plot just thickened when evidence pointed to her attempt to do the same to her boyfriend. She decided that until the last meal, she would stick to a healthy weight loss program and order some fruits and veggies with some hot tea to wash it down.

Judy Buenoano

Asparagus, Strawberries, Broccoli, Tomatoes, And Hot Tea


A Dietitian’s Nightmare

Peter J. Miniel couldn’t resist his urges and ordered the following: 20 beef tacos, 20 beef enchiladas, two double cheeseburgers, a pizza with jalapenos, fried chicken, spaghetti with salt, half of a chocolate cake and half of a vanilla cake, cookies and cream ice-cream, caramel pecan fudge ice-cream, a small fruit cake, two Coca-Colas, two Pepsi-Colas, two root beers and two orange juices. What do you think of that weight loss program?

Peter J. Miniel

A Dietitian’s Nightmare


Boiled Chicken And Rice

When it comes to the Iraqi dictator, there are a few conflicting opinions about what he was given for his last meal. The most-agreed-upon answer, is that he got boiled chicken and rice. But what did he drink with it? He received a cup of hot tea that was rich with honey. A sweet ending to a bitter man.

Saddam Hussein

Boiled Chicken And Rice


Grilled Cheese And Radishes

Stephen Wayne Anderson received all the food he ordered for his last meal. He got two grilled cheese sandwiches with radishes, one pint of cottage cheese, a corn mixture, one slice of peach pie, and one pint of chocolate chip ice-cream. Those were the last things this contract killer ate.

Stephen Anderson

Grilled Cheese And Radishes


29,000 Calories

No, you didn’t read that incorrectly. Gary Carl Simmons Jr. actually ordered so much food that the calorie count hit 29,000! He got his Pizza Hut medium Super Supreme Deep Dish pizza, 10 packs of Parmesan cheese, 10 packs of ranch dressing, a family-size bag of nacho cheese Doritos, 8 ounces of jalapeno nacho cheese, 4 ounces of sliced jalapeno peppers, 2 large strawberry milkshakes, two cherry Cokes, one super-sized order of McDonald’s fries with extra ketchup and mayo and two pints of strawberry ice-cream. Whether he finished it or not, we don’t know.

Gary Carl Simmons Jr.

29,000 Calories


Chicken And Cake

There is a fortune of theories when it comes to who the actual kidnapper of the Lindberghs’ baby was. But Bruno Richard Hauptmann was convicted and sentenced to death. For his last meal, he ordered chicken, French fries, buttered peas, celery, olives, cherries, and a slice of cake.

Bruno Richard Hauptman

Chicken And Cake


KFC In Indonesia

Being a major druglord might have its perks, but in the bigger scheme of things, it really has more cons. Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were arrested for dealing enormous amounts of drugs in Indonesia. For their last meals, they decided on a good ol’ bucket of KFC.

Andrew Chan And Myuran Sukumaran

KFC In Indonesia


Jolly Ranchers

Gerald Lee Mitchell has made one of the most outrageous and questionable last meal requests out of all. He asked for a bag of jolly rogers before being sent to the next world. Too many sweets might not just be bad for a weight loss program, but what about your teeth?

Gerald Lee Mitchell

Jolly Ranchers


12 Chocolate Bars

Similar to the sweet tooth of Gerald Lee Mitchell, Dobie Gillis Williams asked for something rather sweet for his last meal. He requested 12 chocolate bars and a bowl of ice-cream. Before his execution, he said: “I just want to say, I don’t have any hard feelings against anybody. God bless y’all. God bless.”

Dobie Gills Williams

12 Chocolate Bars


Pizza Without A Fuss

Barton Kay Kirkham was one of the strangest inmates ever seen on death row. Regardless, he had an appetite when it came to his last meal, but nothing too peculiar. He requested pizza and ice-cream, and told the prison steward that “you get cheese, meat and everything in one meal. Not so much fuss.”

Barton Kay Kirkham

Pizza Without A Fuss


Spaghetti And Cyanide

Well first of all, did you know that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian? And minutes before taking his own life, he still wanted something meat-free. No, not the cyanide. Instead he ate spaghetti with a light sauce, easing the end of a dark life.


Spaghetti And Cyanide


Hubba-Bubba Bubble Gum

It wouldn’t exactly be a proper meal, just a package of grape Hubba Bubba bubblegum. Lucky for Joseph Mitchell Parsons, he also ordered three Burger King Whoppers and two large orders of fries. Parsons also ordered a chocolate shake and chocolate chip ice-cream. Maybe he thought chewing gum would help with his last-minute weight loss program.

Joseph Mitchell Parsons

Hubba-Bubba Bubble Gum


Roasted Duck

Originally, Marion Albert Pruett wanted roasted duck for his last meal, but it was denied. Then he went on to order a stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut, four Burger King Whoppers, a large order of French fries, three two-liter bottles of Pepsi, a bucket of ice, a bottle of ketchup, salt, fried eggplant, fried squash, fried okra, and a pecan pie. His plan was actually to eat with a fellow inmate who was to be executed the same day.

Marion Albert Pruett

Roasted Duck


Weight Loss Program Fail

Let’s just say, don’t take any advice from this man for a weight loss program. William Bonin asked for two pepperoni and sausage pizzas, three servings of chocolate ice-cream, and three six-packs of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Whether he managed to drink up all that soda pop, we will never know, but we know his weight loss program took a knock.

Coca Cola And Pepsi

Coca-Cola And Pepsi