Amazing Mysteries that Science Just Can’t Explain

Published on November 17, 2017

Life on Mars

The Viking was sent to Mars in 1976 and with it, it carried three experiments to test for life on Mars. One result came up positive while the other two experiments did not, therefore the positive result was dismissed. However, back in 2012 a team of scientists re-examined the data using a brand new technique and they proceeded to challenge the no-life verdict. So, life on Mars could be a thing. Time will tell!

Life On Mars

Life On Mars


So just how did liquid water exist early on in Earth’s history? Well, early on in Earth’s history, the sun would have been fainter than what it is now, and it surely wouldn’t have had a big enough power output to melt any of the ice on Earth. From geological evidence, we do know that there was liquid water at the surface of our great planet between 3.8 and 2.4 billion years ago, when life first evolved. While there are a few theories out, no one really knows.