Amazing Mysteries that Science Just Can’t Explain

Published on November 17, 2017

The Confederate Treasury

During the Civil War, the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury, George Trenholm, liquidated a few of the South’s assets. President Jefferson Davis and his men were said to have left with loads and loads of fortunes in gold, jewels and silvers but when they were captured, all they had were some confederate banknotes. And somehow, 4,000 kilograms of Mexican silver dollars were just gone. Some believe the silver was buried and will only be dug up again when the South rises again. Some say it’s buried in Danville, Virginia. Some say it’s with a secret society known as the Knights of the Golden circle. Bottom line, no one knows!

The Confederate Treasury

The Confederate Treasury

Where’s the Lithium?

Way back when temperatures in the Universe were super high, there were isotopes of hydrogen, helium, and lithium synthesized in extraordinary amounts. Currently though, hydrogen and helium are still verrrry abundant and much of the mass in the Universe is built up of this but somehow, there is only a third of lithium-7 around. While there are loads of ideas running around, no one actually knows the reason behind this.


Where’s the Lithium?