12 Stunning Historical Facts about The Parthenon

Published on December 5, 2017

The Parthenon was built to worship Athena.

Scholars of ancient mythology will know plenty about the goddess Athena. Athena was considered the goddess of both wisdom and courage as well as law, mathematics, and justice. Mythology has a host of gods and goddesses that exemplify all the worst traits of man: they are impatient, deadly, rash, and willing to do anything to consolidate power. Athena, however, was considered one of the ‘good ones’. In her portrayals she is always the companion of heroes and she is known for her calm temper and her reluctance to engage in anger. She would engage in fighting only when the cause was just and she would never draw blood without a noble reason. In short, she was one of the few worthy goddesses of actual worship so we aren’t surprised to see that she had become an icon of worship for the Athenians.



There was a Pre-Parthenon.

Before the Parthenon was created there had been another building and settlement in its place. Scholars don’t know exactly what had been there, as both time and the work of the Athenians had covered it up, but they can say with certainty that the location had always been a place of worship. Scholars call the period of time before the Parthenon had been erected the ‘Pre-Parthenon’ which is relatively simple and straightforward. Scholars know that the Parthenon was erected directly over the top of another older shrine but that they likely were both considered as shrines dedicated to Athena.

