Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on August 7, 2016

Pygmy Tarsier

The little cutie with large eyes had not been observed for nearly 85 year years and was believed to be extinct until of course a team of researchers, guided by a Texas A&M University professor, caught one in a remote park in Indonesia in 2008.

Pygmy Tarsier

Pygmy Tarsier

Black-Footed Ferret

These adorable ferrets are known as North America’s rarest mammal by the National Wildlife Federation. They are a member of the weasel family, which were hurt by habitat loss and disease, and eventually declared extinct in 1979. Miraculously just a mere two years later, a ranch dog brought a dead one home to his owners, John and Lucille Hogg, The Los Angeles Times reported that this gave conservationists hope. Three decades later, the animal has successfully rebounded. Welcome back!

Black Footed Ferret

Black Footed Ferret