Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on August 7, 2016

The Nelson

Discovered in 1894, it wasn’t until 109 years later that the Nelson was rediscovered. Kind of sounds like a John Hughes movie but anyways. This fella was found on the slopes of the rather firey, pun intende, San Martín Tuxtla volcano in Mexico.

The Nelson

The Nelson

Javan Elephant

Shortly after the Europeans came to settle in southeast Asia did scientists believe the Javan elephant went extinct. However, it seems that a ceremonial elephant trade centuries ago indeed saved the Javan elephant from a rather unpleasant fate. Back in 2003, a study revealed the Borneo pygmy elephant is genetically distinct from any other Asian elephants and is likely to have originated on Java.

Javan Elephant

Javan Elephant