Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on August 7, 2016

Giant Squid

Once thought to be a creature pulled straight from legends, the Giant Squid has moved more into the realm of science since its discovery back in 1878. Appearances were so rare that scientists thought these squids were extinct. However, Japanese scientists managed to find another Giant Squid back in 2005 and now research is fully underway. Giant Squids are considered to be hugely intelligent and dangerous to a host of other large creatures in the ocean.

Giant Squid

Giant Squid

Ivory Billed Woodpecker

Bird spotting can be a sport that anyone can enjoy, but you’d have to get pretty intensely into the hobby to catch yourself sight of an Ivory Billed Woodpecker. The ivory Billed Woodpecker is a gorgeous bird that can be found throughout the Southeastern portion of the United States, namely in the forests. With this birds habitat constantly being destroyed by human intervention the bird was once thought to have become extinct back in the ’40s. However, a team of researchers managed to document the bird back in 2009.

Ivory Billed Woodpecker

Ivory Billed Woodpecker