Surprising Facts about ‘Three’s Company’!

Published on November 13, 2017

Quite the situation

Back in March of 2001, a viewer claimed that there was a certain part of John Ritter’s “anatomy” that was visible for a brief period in the episode “The Charming Stranger.” Nickelodeon took the complaint very seriously and edited it shortly after. As a response to the controversy, Ritter said, “I’ve requested that [Nickelodeon] air both versions, edited and unedited, because sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don’t.”

Quite The Situation

Quite The Situation

Almost a quitter

Pricilla Barnes portrayed nurse Terri Alden, who was a replacement for Cindy (who was a replacement for Chrissy) for the final three seasons of the show. “Our bosses were very, very controlling,” Barnes told CNN back in 2002. “If my hair was too blond, I’d get called up in the office.” She told reporters that it was the worst experience of her life.

Almost A Quitter

Almost A Quitter