Never Ask This Guy For A Photoshop Facelift

Published on October 26, 2017
Whether someone wants a facelift or bigger-looking muscles, there is one guy they can turn to and his name is James Fridman. He is the hilarious Photoshop artist who manipulates photographs almost as requested by his followers. Let’s just say that he gives people a little more than they ask for.

Going Going Gone

“What boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend.” The Internet is a crazy place, one minute you’re in a relationship, the next you’re in cyberspace without your clothes. At least our friend William got to take his necklace with him.

Going Going Gone

Going Going Gone

Eye Fall Tower

Correct spelling could mean the difference between a wonderful Paris vacation and a terrifying trip to Bizarre-ville!

Eye Fall Tower

Eye Fall Tower


Keep Off The Grass

The hottest crime of the century took place on this very lawn. In desperate need of a nap, this vigilante decided on the most illegal way to make his name known to local authorities. What a lawn-breaker!

Keep Off The Grass

Keep Off The Grass


Windex Man

This chap just needed a little Windex to clean up his image. Voila! This guy really does clean up nicely!


Windex Man


Tanks A Lot

It’s all in the order of the words, my friend. Although he did have all the correct words, he still needed to arrange them correctly. It’s sort of like: “Let’s eat grandma!” You decide where a comma could help out.

Tanks A Lot

Tanks A Lot


Baby Facelift

This doesn’t really count as a facelift, this is more like an age-lift. Felicia didn’t expect her beardy boy to become a beardless baby.

Baby Face

Baby Facelift



Two friends just wanted to look a little more adventurous, but they didn’t expect this! Our friend James found the most dangerous waters these two could possibly canoe in. They better wait for this to boil over.




Just To Be Sure

You never know if your friends will remember your face on Facebook, so it is imperative to make sure that they know which one you are in the picture. Thanks James for helping him out.

Just To BeSure

Just To Be Sure


Redheads Do Have Souls

Don’t listen to what anybody says, you are unique, you are special, you are the only… no no, wait. You aren’t the only redhead in your family. At least you now know that you’re not adopted.

Redheads Do Have Souls

Redheads Do Have Souls


Decisions Decisions

When faced with difficult decisions, it’s best to take a moment to weigh up the pros and cons. Sometimes the right decision is just pizza.

Decisions Decisions

Decisions Decisions


You Asked

Well he did just do what they asked him to do. It’s great that they hit it off, maybe they’ll go out again.

You Asked

You Asked


Chook Chook

Thomas the Train – one of the fiercest trains of the lot. If you happen to see him roaring down the tracks, make sure to start running, because if he catches you, you’re steamed!

Chook Chook

Chook Chook


From Russia With Love

It’s so important to have dreams! It doesn’t matter what your dream is, just go after it and it could come true. Slava didn’t know what he was in store for when he asked James to help him out.

From Russia With Love

From Russia With Love


Well That Worked

While everyone is completely consumed with their phones, there are people who are craving some real human interaction. How could a girl possibly get her boyfriend’s attention while he’s scrolling the endless depths of the Internet? Ta-dah!

Well That Worked

Well That Worked


Don’t Lie To Yo Dawgs

It’s never a good idea to lie to your friends, even if you want to impress them. James granted this guy his dream car, but there was a little twist. Maybe he should have checked his spelling.

Dont Lie To Yo Dawgs

Don’t Lie To Yo Dawgs


That’s A Slippery Slope

Raised hands that are never high-fived, outreached hands that are never shaken, and strange fists that mean nothing. James has a solution for all of these gesture gaffs.

Thats A Slippery Slope

That’s A Slippery Slope


Third Wheel

One minute you’re the cool one, the next you’re the blushing one. Nobody likes to be the third wheel, and it makes matters even worse when you asked for it.

Third Wheel

Third Wheel


Iron Man

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. A few supplements added to your diet and you’re good to go! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Iron Man! Literally.

Iron Man

Iron Man


Your Wish Is My Command

The prodigy of Photoshop is ready to give you the highlighted facelift you ordered. Not what you had in mind? At least she doesn’t look as dull as she thought she did.

Your Wish Is My Command

Your Wish Is My Command


Spot The Differences

There were a hundred ways this could have gone, but we have to give credit where credit is due. James found a creative way to make this group of friends ogle for hours over their group photo.

Spot The Differences

Spot The Differences


Enough Space

We all have dreams, don’t we? When this young lady wanted to be sent into space, that’s what she got… only it was the space-bar! I wonder if they serve drinks there.

Enough Space

Enough Space


Sleeper Of The House

What could possibly be more comfortable than having a nap in your chair at work? This guy might have the answer to that question, and the answer is napping on Theresa May. And what’s better than the sound of politicians droning on in the parliament to send you into a slumber.

Sleeper Of The House

Sleeper Of The House


Giving A Boost

Now we all know that it’s difficult to run on the sand of the beach, but how much more difficult is it to jump high? A trampoline is definitely in order to help get more height.

Giving A Boost

Giving A Boost


He’s Got A Point

You have to admit that it is impossible to take a selfie without a phone. So when you take the camera out of the equation, you are left without anything really.

Hes Got A Point

He’s Got A Point



I bet this guy thought he was going to play some secondary role, like being a tree or “storm trooper #21”. But just like me, he had no idea that he would take on one of the main roles in Star Wars, he just needed to grow his face.




Ship Or Sheep

My darling, it is of utmost importance that you spell correctly. Touching a sheep or touching a ship can have quite a significant difference. At least that innocent sheep has a tank of oxygen to get him through this awkward underwater petting zoo.

Ship Or Sheep

Ship Or Sheep


Baywatch On Paper

He was so close to getting what he wanted, he just needed to be a little less specific. Choosing a photo of a beautiful woman over an actual woman was his mistake. The good news is that he has a poster to hang on his wall now.

Baywatch On Paper

Baywatch On Paper


The Most Frightening

What are you afraid of? Spiders? Snakes? Flying? What could possibly be more scary than these things? Well, how about something a little more abstract, like… RESPONSIBILITIES! They pop up out of nowhere and scare the crumbs out of us!

The Most Frightening

The Most Frightening


Definitely One Of A Kind

There are some creatures that we believe to only be mythical, like unicorns. There are some that we haven’t even heard of, like girls with a finger coming out of their foreheads! Does this look like the kind of creature you’d like to see? No sirree!

Definitely One Of A Kind

Definitely One Of A Kind


The Switch-A-Roo

This kid left James the open option to do whatever he wanted. James chose the ole’ switch-a-roo option and gave both his face and his t-shirt a fresh facelift.

The Switch A Roo

The Switch-A-Roo


Which Cat?

Most people think that cats spend their days spread out in the sunlight catching some color while we spend our days working our butts off to serve our feline bosses. But the fact is that there are cats that go to work every day and put in much more work than many others.

Which Cat

Which Cat?


Trying To Stand Out

Talk about a quick growth spurt! She will never have to worry about being the odd one out anymore because of her small height. Amazing what you can do on the internet these days!

Trying To Stand Out

Trying To Stand Out


Kardashian Facelift

Now now, when you asked to look like a Kardashian, you weren’t clear about which one you wanted to look like exactly. Lesson of the day: Don’t take anything for granted; be clear about what you want.

Kardashian Facelift

Kardashian Facelift


18 To 28 In 3 Seconds

Not only did he have the most contemporary beard of all his friends, Sami was the only one of his friends with a beard! We have to applaud him for his amazing beard-trimming skills.

18 To 28 In 3 Seconds

18 To 28 In 3 Seconds


Puppy Eyes

There are some things that James just can’t get himself to do and we can completely understand that. I mean, come on, look at that gorgeous puppy’s eyes!

Puppy Eyes

Puppy Eyes



We all know that one person who can’t help but blink when the cameras go off, flash or no flash. I think this guy might be onto a solution.

Eye Opening



As Cool As You Get

What do you get when you have a really cool beard and your son has a head full of hair? You get one of the most impressive haircuts that are out there!

As Cool As You Get

As Cool As You Get


Straightening Out The Situation

With a little help from the Photoshop guru, she can become anything she wants to become. For example she could become Ironwoman! Don’t ever wish too small.

Straightening Out The Situation

Straightening Out The Situation


He’s Not On His Phone Anymore

Even with your sister doing some very interesting acrobatics right next to you, you need something a little more interesting to grab your attention. Mr. Photoshop had the perfect solution.

Hes Not On His Phone Anymore

He’s Not On His Phone Anymore


I’ll Hold You Forever

“We’ll always be together,no matter what. Right? RIGHT?!” For years after they would leave this world, they would have something of the other’s to hold onto.

Ill Hold You Forever

I’ll Hold You Forever


Don’t Be A Litter Bug

Now what we would do without trash receptacles? Well, I’ll tell you what we would have. We would have a fortune of trash and litter flooding our streets, so please don’t ask to get rid of them!

Dont Be A Litter Bug

Don’t Be A Litter Bug


Coffee Is Life

Some people love coffee more than they love life itself. What could possibly be better than sitting in a jacuzzi of steaming hot coffee? Well, sitting in a real jacuzzi, I suppose.

Coffee Is Life

Coffee Is Life


The Time Machine

Playing with the time-space continuum has its repercussions, so beware. If mom is younger, then my boy, you too will be a little younger. Don’t you love the butterfly effect?

The Time Machine

The Time Machine


When You Gotta Go

Poor guy! He has to pose for all these prom pictures and all he can really think about is running inside the house and… Well, let’s just hope the photos end soon.

When You Gotta Go

When You Gotta Go


The Other Girl In The Mirror

Something can always be done, no matter how obtrusive. If you want your friend to look at you, just put a mirror in front of her face and make sure you’re in a perfect reflection spot. Voila!

The Other Girl In The Mirror

The Other Girl In The Mirror


“Look How Much I’ve Grown, Dad!”

It was either that William was getting taller, or that dad was shrinking. But Will had been eating all his veggies and drinking his milk, so I reckon it must be option ‘a’.

Look How Much Ive Grown Dad

“Look How Much I’ve Grown, Dad!”


You’ve Got To Be Safe

We all have our regrets in life, but looking back and wishing the situation were different is the pitfall of man. I should say though that I do recommend exploring the wonders of aloe vera gel.

Youve Got To Be Safe

You’ve Got To Be Safe


A Mile In His Shoes

If only you could walk a mile in someone else’s shoes… well lucky for Megan, she could! The only problem then, was that Timothy couldn’t walk in her shoes at all – simply because she didn’t have any.

A Mile In His Shoes

A Mile In His Shoes


Staying Ahead

So everyone knows about selfie-sticks, walking sticks and even candy sticks, but have you ever heard of “bringing-myself-to-your-height” sticks? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Staying Ahead

Staying Ahead


Raw Fishing

“But sushi is raw, isn’t it?” she asked. What’s going on down there, under the lake? Maybe that’s what happens when you go fishing with two rods.

Raw Fishing

Raw Fishing


You’re Beautiful

When you ever feel like you’re not beautiful enough, just pop on your VR headset and wait for him. James Blunt has the encouragement you’ve been searching for. After all, you’re beautiful!

Youre Beautiful

You’re Beautiful


There’s A Good Boy

“Sure! I’ll turn you into a badass. But first, make sure to scrub behind your ears and let the water out of the bathtub. Then, we’ll turn you into the hardcore badass you want to be.”

Theres A Good Boy

There’s A Good Boy


Too Close For Comfort

Buddy, you don’t get much closer than that. We do have to admit that you sure know how to keep a straight a face when a massive waterfall is pouring down on you in the middle of winter.

Too Close For Comfort

Too Close For Comfort


Monkey See Monkey Do

Now who is laughing? That monkey does look like a pretty happy camper. But at least the water looks warm enough to spend a good few hours there.

Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See Monkey Do


Taylor Swift’s Legs

It was so nice of Taylor Swift to drop in for the group photo. It’s too bad she couldn’t get down onto the ground to join everyone for the poses.

Taylor Swifts Legs

Taylor Swift’s Legs


Sticking Your Neck Out

Sometimes you need to take another look at yourself and appreciate who you are and what you have. Does this man have a giraffe neck? No. Well… actually now he does apparently.

Sticking Your Neck Out

Sticking Your Neck Out


Ducking Around

Don’t ever underestimate the strength of a goose, and geese why? Well, because that long-necked gangster is going to send you headfirst into the sidewalk like an ostrich trying to hide from a hyena!

Ducking Around

Ducking Around


Don’t Change

Aside from the jokes that James makes, he has some valuable lessons for all of us. He believes that instead of trying to change the way we look or who we are, we should be content with the person we have been blessed to be on this earth. When we learn to accept ourselves, we learn to accept all of those around us.

No Changes

Don’t Change