A Young Girl Was Found Adrift At Sea, Her Story Left Everyone In Tears

Published on November 26, 2017

Her Story

No one should ever have to endure what Terry Jo did, especially at such a young age. Therefore it’s understandable that it took her a few days after she was rescued to open up to the police. However, no one anticipated such a horrible and devastating story.

Her Story

Her Story

In Remembrance

Tragically, the rest of the bodies of the Duperrault family were never found. At Fort Howard Memorial Park in Wisconsin, there is a plaque dedicated to their memory, which says: “In memory of the Arthur W. Duperrault Family; Lost off the Bahama Isles Nov. 12, 1961. Found in the hearts of their loved ones, dwelling forever with him who is eternal life. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

In Remembrance

In Remembrance