Bizarre and Hilarious Facts About Dogs

Published on October 23, 2017
We’ve heard the term ‘crazy cat lady’ but what about us dog lovers? Are we then the crazy dog lady? Actually, you know what, yeah that works! I don’t need to convince you that dogs are the absolute best; they’re loyal, smart, strong, hilarious partners for life who love you unconditionally and with every fiber of their being. Dogs are simply wonderful, which is why we decided to scoop up 20 bizarre and hilarious facts about dogs that you (probably) didn’t know. And if you did, well then, enjoy the dog photos!

Mom Jeans

Whenever you’re going away on a trip and are leaving your dog somewhere, it’s important that you leave a piece of clothing that smells like you behind. The reason, the scent of you will comfort them and can help soothe their separation anxiety. Aww.

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Bunches and Bunches

I love this fact so much! Get this, there are around 400 million dogs in the world! I know, right?! Furthermore, the United States of America has THE highest dog population with France coming in as the second highest.

Bunches And Bunches

Bunches And Bunches

College Educated

In 2015, a service dog named Kirsch earned his Honorary Master’s Degree at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. We are not joking, repeat, we are not joking. This precious doggie sat through all of the classes that his human, Carlos Mora, was attending. Therefore since Kirsch attended the classes with the program Mora was in, this allowed him to finish his Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling. And on graduation day, Kirsch and Mr. Mora walked across the stage in their graduation caps and gowns, happy as can be. Way to go, Kirsch!

College Educated

College Educated

Mayor Duke

The town of Cormorant, Minnesota has elected a nine-year-old Great Pyrenees as their mayor! For his THIRD term now. How incredibly precious! However, Mayor Duke’s snazzy political career was launched by accident. Three years ago, he happened to win the honorary post as a write-in candidate by 12 whopping votes. You go, Duke!

Mayor Duke1

Mayor Duke

Doggies are NOT colorblind!

You’ve probably heard this ol’ wives tale that dogs are color blind but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, according to scientists, dogs can see a multitude of colors, mostly though primary colors. Such as yellow, violet, blue, black, white, and gray.

Dog's Aren't Colorblind

Doggies are NOT colorblind!

Smarty Pants

Come on, everyone knows that dogs are little Einsteins but did you actually know that the average dog is capable of learning up to 250 different words and gestures? Yup, they’re geniuses. Scientists also concluded that you can teach your dog mathematics – which is crazy but also adorable. Dogs can learn how to count to five and can even perform simple math functions. In fact, dogs are said to be as smart as two year old kids!

Average Dogs Are About As Smart As Two Year Old Children

Smarty Pants

A day in the life

Paul McCartney recorded the Beatles song, “A Day in the Life,” for his Shetland sheepdog to enjoy. I know, so darn adorable. The song features an extra high pitched whistle which is only audible to doggies.

A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life

So, About Hugging..

This fact strikes a deep cord with me especially. I adore hugging my dog, holding him close and smothering him with kisses but turns out, most dogs don’t like that. Dogs see hugging as a show of dominance which causes them to feel uncomfortable. While not all dogs hate being hugged, some demand hugs in fact! It is important that you pay attention to your dog’s reactions when you are hugging him/her.

Most Dogs Don't Love Being Hugged

So, About Hugging..

On or Off Duty, Sir?

There is no doubt that service doggies are the most incredible helpers to those who need it most. Service dogs undergo intense and rigorous training to learn just how they can exactly help their humans, and they especially know when they’re on or off duty. If the dog is wearing its harness then it is on ‘alert’ mode. When the harness is off, it’s off duty and can relax, so to speak. So yes, to all those individuals who possess the urge to shower service doggies with love when they’re wearing their harness, do your best to resist unless given explicit permission by the owner.

Service Dogs Know When They Are Working And When They Are 'off'

On or Off Duty, Sir?

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff

The average human nose has about 5 million scent receptors, pretty neat! However if you think that’s a lot, a beagle has 225 million scent receptors. Which isn’t even the strongest nose in the dog world. This is often why dogs serve as bomb or drug sniffers and as part of search and rescue crews, it’s because they have exceptional noses. Their noses are quite often the reason why so many lives are saved all over the globe. Dogs, we salute you.

Dog's Have An Exponentially Stronger Sense Of Smell Than Humans

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff

Dogs dream just like us!

Have you ever watched a dog sleep? Well it’s a whole lot of cuteness what with the barking, whimpering, twitching, and feet moving as if he/she is running a marathon. Most dog owners probably assume their dog is dreaming of running around atop a mountain of bones or chasing cats or maybe even both at the same time. However a study came out recently that our beloved, adorable dogs are most likely dreaming of us! More specifically though, your dog is dreaming about “your face, your smell and of pleasing or annoying you.” This is quite possibly the most precious thing we have ever heard. ~My heart is bursting with joy~

Dogs Dream Just Like Us

Dogs Dream Just Like Us

Do NOT shave a Husky’s coat!

Statically most Husky owners tend to live in warmer climates and fall under the misconception that they need to buzz their Husky’s long, thick coats to help them feel more cool and comfortable. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Each Husky has a “special kind of coat that regulates temperature, both hot and cold.” This means that if you buzz their coats, you are actually making it far more difficult for your dog to keep cool. Ergo, don’t shave your Husky’s fur, they can regulate their own body temp with no problem.

You Don't Want To Shave A Husky's Coat

Do NOT shave a Husky’s coat!

My nosey is unique

It’s common knowledge that a human’s fingerprints are totally unique, no one is the same. However, did you know that the same logic applies to a dog’s nose? Yup, that’s right. Each wet little nosey has a different ridge, crease and swirling design that separates it from all other doggies.

A Dog's Nose Is As Unique As A Human Fingerprint

My nosey is unique

Walking in Circles

Just about every dog does this before going to sleep, they walk around in circles numerous times before they actually lay down, and there’s a reason why. Your dog is mimicking a technique similar to one used in the wild where they would flatten long grass to be more comfortable. Scientists suppose dogs are doing the same now in their own homes to feel more safe and comfortable.

Do You Know Why Dogs Walk In Circles Before Going To Bed

Walking in Circles

Storms are actually painful to dogs

This one is actually super important to remember. Some doggie owners just believe that their dog is scared of thunder and loud noises but actually, super loud noises (like thunder and fireworks) cause physical pain to your doggie’s ears. When things get loud, try to muffle the sound as much as you can to help alleviate the pain.

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs

There is a Thing as Puppy Dog Tags

There was a time back in the 1850s where it was required by law for dogs to have a license or a dog tag. This law was implemented due to the fact that some dogs were attacking livestock and the police wanted a way to track which owner’s dog was the culprit. Then in 1860, the military mimicked the same methodology to help identify soldiers in the cases where something went wrong and family members needed to be notified of tragic news.

Military Dog Tags Were Inspired By Puppy Dog Tags

There is a Thing as Puppy Dog Tags


Don’t freak out when your Dalmatian puppies are born with plain white coats – that’s totally normal! A Dalmatian’s first spots appear only 3 to 4 weeks after birth. So around a month after, they should actually have all of their spots. Their spots will continue to develop as they age but very slowly.



Not a Peep

Here’s a fun fact – the Basenji breed is the world’s only barkless dog. How…intriguing. Instead the Basenji produces a rather unusual yodel-like sound, known as a “baroo”, as these dogs have an unusually shaped larynx.

Not A Peep

Not A Peep

Frito Feet

Have you noticed that your dog’s paws sometimes smell like…corn chips? Well, it’s because their paws have loads and loads of sweat glands there, ergo, Frito feet.

The Smell Of Chips

Frito Feet

Oh, Hey.

Did you know that a dog’s first sense to develop is touch? Yup, a dog’s entire body, including its paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings. This sense of touch is vital to a dog because it helps them socialize with its pack-family and other dogs. You know what means don’t you? Always pet your dog!

Oh, Hey.

Oh, Hey.