Bubbles And Bella
When it comes to true friendship, size does not matter one tiny (or large) bit. Bubbles the elephant came to a safari reserve in America after conservationists rescued her from poachers in Africa. She met her best friend Bella, the park contractor’s pet and the two of them hit it off straight away.

Bubbles And Bella
Bea And Wilma
Having Bea the giraffe as your best friend might suggest that you have high expectations, but Wilma is quite down to earth. These two besties share a massive 65-acre enclosure, and in case you were wondering, Wilma does NOT bury her head in the ground during an argument.

Bea And Wilma
Tinni And Sniffer
What does a dog and a wild fox have in common? Well let’s say, many things, but knowing how to be a good friend is what we’re talking about. The canine pair met by accident in a forest in Norway and they’ve been best pals ever since.

Tinni And Sniffer
Torque And Shrek
Owl bet you couldn’t imagine these two cuties cutting it as best friends. But who who who knows what could happen. Shrek, who who who is the owl by the way, became Torque’s younger brother when he was just 6 months old. Apparently spending time with each-other is a real hoot!

Torque And Shrek
Fred And Dennis
Dennis the duckling did not have an easy upbringing. A fox ate up his mommy and he didn’t know his daddy, but he did get to meet someone who would become his best friend for life and that was Fred the Labrador. Fred considers Dennis as his best friend and not simply as a charity case.

Fred And Dennis
Mabel And Kids
Saved byyy… the foot! When Mabel’s foot was injured, her owners decided that she would make a better dinner guest than dinner itself. She didn’t just become a guest, she would become a foster parent to a litter of puppies! I guess you can say this was a winner-winner chicken-din… never mind.

Mabel And Kids
Milo And Bonedigger
Who is who? Bonedigger is actually that massive hulk of lion getting his mouth licked by his best friend, a tiny dachshund by the name of Milo. A charity was set up to aid Bonedigger who is suffering from a bone disease that has disabled him, but it seems that the charity was not the main contributor to this 500-pound lion’s happiness. 11-pound Milo was.

Milo And Bonedigger
Koko & All Ball
Koko the gorilla both mastered sign language and loved cats! On her birthday in 1984, she chose a kitten best friend and named him “All Ball.” Koko reportedly cared for the kitchen like it was her own baby gorilla. How cute!

Koko And All Ball
What Does The Fox Say?
So, what does the fox say? We don’t know but his best feline friend might. No-one knows their names, but what we do know is that these two are best friends and they are adorable! Seeing as fisherman spotted them in Turkey, we might actually know what the fox says… and it’s something in Turkish.

What Does The Fox Say?
Shere Khan, Baloo And Leo
Drug dealers, Jungle Book with a little African flavor, charity and whole lot of love brought these three wild beasts together. At first drug dealers treated them badly in captivity, then they were rescued and today they live together in harmony at the Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in America.

Shere Khan, Baloo And Leo
Mani And Candy
The tiny wild boar piglet, Manni, was very fortunate to find the Dahlhaus family in Germany… or actually it may be the other way around. The little piggy has made a loving pet to the family and he has also teamed up with the family’s Jack Russell, Candy, to create a pair of inseparable friends.

Mani And Candy
Kasi And Mtani
Kasi and Mtani, cheetah and doggy, friend and friend. It’s definitely not your regular friendship, but one thing’s for sure it’s one that will last a lifetime! How cute are these two?!

Kasi And Mtani
Hold Me Deer
Bambi is alive and well in the forest, folks. And he is not alone – animal photographer Tanja Askani showed the world that. It’s not everyday you see such close friends and it’s especially not common to see a rabbit and a deer getting along so well.

Hold Me Deer
Suryia And Roscoe
When Suryia the orangutan discovered that Roscoe the hound enjoyed hanging out too, he knew they would make a great pair of friends. The truth is that Roscoe got himself adopted completely by choice when he followed Suryia and her handler home one afternoon. Suryia might be a rare and endangered animal, but his best buddy might be the rarest thing he’ll ever find.

Suryia And Roscoe
Kate And Pippin
Not Kate and Pippa, guys, we’re talking about Kate the great Dane and Pippin the deer. Their friendship story is quite bittersweet. They grew up together but as Pippin grew older she drifted apart. Her love for Kate never diminished, she simply returned to the forest to start her own family. Don’t be awww-ing, she comes to visit on a regular basis. Awwww!

Kate And Pippin
Anjana And Cubs
Anjana is not your average chum, or chimp for that matter. After a hurricane tore through two young tiger cubs’ mother’s enclosure, Anjana came to the rescue. The chimpanzee, along with a charity fund called “China York”, have nursed these cute cubs back to health. They may have been orphaned, but now they have a mother.

Anjana And Cubs
I’ve Goat You
Who said a goat and a cat can’t be friends? Well, probably no-one and that’s because no-one ever thought about it. Look how cute these two are!

I’ve Goat You
Love Doesn’t Stink
Surely you’ve heard that love stinks, but in this case we can really see that it doesn’t. A skunk and a wild cat found it pretty easy to put their differences aside and let true love stink in… sink in, sorry.

Love Doesn’t Stink
Kitten Nanny
You’ve definitely seen dogs guiding the blind, dogs looking for bombs, dogs sniffing for drugs… but have you ever seen a dog responsible for looking after kittens? Well isn’t it time you met Boots the kitten nanny?

Kitten Nanny
Iguana And Marmoset
Does this not look like a scene straight out of a Star Wars movie? What you’re really seeing is an iguana and a marmoset having a deep and meaningful conversation, because these two are BFFs.

Iguana And Marmoset
Safety Bunny
We’re not sure if this doggy is protecting his bunny buddy or if this bunny is protecting his doggy dude. Regardless, these two have proven that they are inseparable.

Safety Bunny
Farm Friends
A pig and a goat, a goat and a pig, what do they have in common? Well other than living on a farm, they both have a friend for life; they have each-other.

Farm Friends
What The Duck?
We can all agree that a cat and a duck would not be the first picture you would see in the visual dictionary under “best friends”. But folks, here we see it.

What The Duck?
Real Sheep Dog
There’s a reason sheep dogs have their name. This lad and this lass have become the closest of friends and they wouldn’t change for the world.

Real Sheep Dog
Just Purrrfect
How would you describe a perfect friendship? Would it be encompassed by this picture, of a cat and an iguana? You might want to change what you thought.

Just Purrrfect
Dogs And A What?
Oh yeah, these are our dogs… oh and that? Well that’s their best friend. Oh, sure, they don’t really care that he happens to be a raccoon, because he thinks he’s a dog.

Dogs And A What?
New Parent
This South African rhino’s parents were killed by poachers, but now that he’s been rescued he’s find himself a momma. This mamma goat looks after him just like she does her other kids.

New Parent
No Monkeying Around
Is this a tiny monkey or a giant pigeon? Despite what you’ve ever heard, these two prove that size doesn’t really matter. Their love for one-another is huge, that’s for sure.

No Monkeying Around
A Hard Barn Life
They’re each-others’ best pals. Even if this cat is only the size of the horse’s neck, there’s nothing can separate these two.

A Hard Barn Life
Papa Puppy
What could possibly be more cuddly than a massive, soft ear of a loving dog? Well, maybe a tiny furry kitten that’s looking for love.

Papa Puppy
Just Two Mammals
So what if she’s an elephant? So what if she’s a sheep? Love is love and they’re happy as ever. Two mammals, one great shared love.

Just Two Mammals
Aussie Aussie Aussie
We all know that Australia has some very interesting and wacky wildlife. If you’re not completely on board, then perhaps this baby kangaroo and wombat might make you think again.

Aussie Aussie Aussie
They Complete Each Other
The might just be swimming buddies, for all we know. Everybody tells us not to touch frogs or we’ll get warts, but this little mouse is not some charity case, he’s just fine as he is.

They Complete Each Other
Pit Bull And Chicken
This young pit bull was always good with picking up chicks, even from a young age. It paid off because look at who he’s with after growing up.

Pit Bull And Chicken
True Peace
A cat and a rat? There’s something wrong with that. Surely not friends, I surely can say, surely not lovers, it’s clear as day. But seeing this pair all cuddled and sleepy, maybe there’s true peace out there and I’m going to get weepy.

True Peace
Tortoise And Hippo
As best pals, what do you think one of their favorite activities is? That’s right, you guessed it. These two pals love to have themselves a race every now and then. It’s all of 3 meters, but they love it.

Tortoise And Hippo
Love In Their Eyes
They say when your pupils get dilated it means that you’ve seen something that interests you. Well for this hamster and this puppy, their pupils dilated when they met and they haven’t contracted since.

Love In Their Eyes
Otter Have A Friend Like This
Everybody otter have a friend like this. I mean like this kid, and I also mean like this otter. Friends come and go, but a select few stick around forever.

Otter Have A Friend Like This
Puppy Rabbit
After hearing that the bunny had such good eyesight from eating carrots, this little pup went on a strict carrot diet. Not too shabby that he picked up a good friend along the way.

Puppy Rabbit
Wren You Can’t Resist
They had seen each-other so many times in the local park, it was impossible not to form a lasting bond. The squirrel and the wren – a story for years to come.

Wren You Can’t Resist
Night And Day
They might be as different as night and day, but there is so much that we can see they have in common. Besties much? Oh yes, definitely.

Night And Day
Zoo Life
You can put up a fence between them, but that won’t stop these towering creatures from reaching out and becoming best friends.

Zoo Life
Dog And Deer
If you can’t sense how much love there is between these two then I’m not sure how else to convince you. Tiny deer, small dog, massive hearts.

Dog And Deer
It Starts Young
We all know that education is the key to building a better future. So when youngsters understand to love before they learn to hate, love has a chance.

It Starts Young
Ferret And Pharaoh
Listen, a sphinx cat is not everyone’s cup of tea, and we can understand why. But it’s this ferret who seems pretty oblivious to the hairless mate he has; he’s just happy to have such a good friend.

Ferret And Pharaoh
True Love
Pup and pony – love forever. They complete each-other, and they make each-other happy. There isn’t anyone happier on their farm than them.

True Love