Humans Beware, These are the Most Dangerous Sharks

Published on October 19, 2017

Thresher Shark

From these lamniform sharks, there are four types of thresher sharks. The name derives from its thresher-like tail. Actually, the tail can grow up to the size of the shark’s body! In fact, it’s this tail that may pose the most threat to humans. Generally, they do not attack unprovoked, though divers have been hit by the upper tail lobe. Some fear this shark due to a dubious account about an innocent fisherman who was decapitated by the shark’s tail swipe.

Thresher Shark

Thresher Shark

Graceful Shark

Graceful shark or queensland shark, this species lives in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. Though not recorded in any attacks, many warn humans of its potential danger. Its large size alone causes experts to warn people to be cautious around them.

Graceful Shark

Graceful Shark