The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on November 23, 2017

Caspian cobra

The Caspian cobra is also called the Central Asian cobra, Oxus cobra or Russian cobra, and you can find this scary fella in Central Asia. To make things worse, this species of snake is aggressive and bad-tempered. They do tend to avoid humans as much as possible, but they will turn fiercely aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered. And here’s the best part, it is the ~most~ venomous species of cobra in the entire world. How that’s the best part is beyond me, just try to avoid running into one, okay? Okay.

Caspian Cobra

Caspian Cobra


This sure is one freaky looking snake. It goes by the name of either Bothrops asper or terciopelo, never know, that tidbit could come in handy one day. And yes, this snake is a venomous pit viper species hailing from southern Mexico to northern South America. Often referred to as the “ultimate pit viper”, this snakes is usually found in a wide range of lowland habitats, often near human habitations.

