Facts & Photos From Saudi Arabia You Probably Don’t Know About

Published on February 27, 2018

Saudi Arabia And Its Name

King Abdul Aziz bin Rahman Al Saud, or Ibn Saud, Saudi Arabia is the reason for Saudi Arabia’s name. In 1932 he proclaimed Saudi independence and crowned himself as king. He had 17 different wives, fathered 44 known sons — 35 of which were still alive after he died in 1953 — and an unknown number of daughters.

Saudi Arabia And Its Name

Saudi Arabia And Its Name

Arab Astronaut

From the deserts of Arabia to the gravity-free matrix of space. 1985 saw a special time for Saudi Arabia as they sent Prince Sultan bin Salman into space aboard the U.S. space shuttle “Discovery”. The prince became the first Saudi, first Muslim and first Arab to go into space.

Arab Astronaut

Arab Astronaut