The Weirdest Looking Animals

Published on October 22, 2017

Blue Parrotfish

You can find the blue parrotfish in shallow waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, in addition to the Caribbean Sea. Okay, it’s definitely the beak-like jaw and accompanying teeth that make this fish unique. Their teeth help them scrape algae from coral and grind any ingested rock into sand. Creepy or endearing, we’ll let you decide.

Blue Parrotfish

Blue Parrotfish

Venezuelan Poodle Moth

Only discovered in 2009, the Venezuelan poodle moth has the oddest combination of frightening features! We’re not sure what truly classifies this as weird looking. Perhaps, it’s their large black eyes, or is it their furry but winged body? Anyway, the combination makes for one odd moth!

Venezuelan Poodle Moth

Venezuelan Poodle Moth