Bend And Snap
Just what was this cat thinking? No really. She looks like a pretzel! However, she is in a deep sleep so it makes me wonder just what I’m missing out on.
Best Buddies
These furry critters look just like BFFs. Some could say that the kitty is being crushed but others will just say, “Awwwwwwww.” Don’t worry, we’re sure the owners have an incredible cat care policy.
Eeek! Alert. Alert! This is the most precious thing I have ever seen. This kitty is all covered up and napping away with his little blankie. Moreover, he’s got his precious little arms all sprawled out. Have you seen anything more adorable?
One, that’s a fat cat. Two, it has the most adorable wittle tongue. Three, is that really the most comfortable position to sleep while on the couch? Four, we don’t care, this is gold. Wait, one last thing, this fat cat needs some serious cat nutrition done right, it’s just way too fat.
Gutter Kitty
Since you’re already up there, you might as well clean the gutters? Right? Those are a pain in the butt to clean so…. No? I won’t drag you to the veterinarian if you just do this one little favor! You think it’ll work? Yeah, we don’t think so either.
I Feel Fine, Officer
Just what kind of shenanigans did this cat get up to last night? Someone get him a breathalyzer! On the other hand, he does look super peaceful so there’s no rush. And no loud noises, please!
I Need More Room
When you’re constantly tossing and turning because you just can’t get comfortable. Looks like this kitty finally figured it all out.
Just A Cup
I just can’t even. Have you seen anything so darn small and cute? I mean, seriously. I need to make this my screen saver asap.
Looks Comfy
Who said you can’t sleep at the office? This cat clearly has the right idea. I’ll be sure to squeeze it into the next weekly meeting. Better yet, we should set up a free internet meeting and broadcast this cap napping.
Music Is Relaxing
People always go on how listening to music helps put them to sleep so this cat looks like its on the right track. It has the best cat care possible because it is sleeping so peacefully with a little smile on its face. Precious.
No Place Like Home
I almost didn’t see you there, little buddy. And just how comfortable is that? And just how did the cat manage to find its way there?
Oh, Hi.
I think this cat may have outgrown this basket but it really doesn’t seem to mind.
Relationship Goals
Now this is spooning done right. Take notes people. Also, this is freaking adorable. I am grinning from ear to ear.
Sung As A Bug In A Rug
Uggs are crazy comfortable and cozy “slippers” that women of all ages wear when its even slightly cold out. Can’t blame this kitty for falling asleep in the coziness.
There is nothing better then falling asleep in front of a roasting, hot fire. And this cat definitely knows it. Also, that’s one seriously fat cat. Wow. You think its too fat to move though? It’s plausible.
Two Peas In A Pod
Haha, these two kitties are too cute for words. They’re sleeping on their backs, side by side, and they make it look seriously cute.
Wash Your Hands Somewhere Else
I really had to look twice there because this kitty just blends in with the sink. Looks like I need to wash my hands elsewhere cause I don’t think its budging.
Yup, This Works
This is what bowls were really meant for. Sleep, duh. This kitty cat looks insanely comfortable.
This works too
These two guys look incredibly comfortable, apart from maybe the one on the right. Is he feeling okay? On the other hand, it does look like a slice of heaven.
Totally Safe
Get a grip, mother, this is totally safe. Nothing to worry about – I do it all the time! ~Gulp.~ I don’t think anyone feels comforted by that.
No work for you
I can only imagine how uncomfortable the phone call with the boss was. “Uhh, yeah, sir I can’t do any work as my cat is sleeping on the keyboard. K? Thanks.” Yeah, I don’t think that ones gonna fly.
Let’s Go For a Drive
No way are you allowed to move this car, ever. You’re walkin’ pal! This cat is in the middle of a very important REM cycle and don’t you dare mess with that.
Let’s Go For a Drive
The modern day twist of these boots were made for walkin’. How this kitty even thought that sleeping inside of a sandal was comfortable is beyond me, but by now, we’ve learned not to question these things.
Very Comfortable
Maybe this is more comfortable than it looks? Not that we’re up for testing that theory out. At all.
Green Thumb
Hands down, you are the world’s greatest gardener! Look, you planted some seeds, and bam! A cat is growing. Oh, wait, don’t tell me that isn’t how it works?
If it fits, I sits
Cats are known to love sleeping in boxes, there’s no doubt about it. We’re not so sure why as boxes are just too, well, boxy! There’s no room. But hey, whatever works, right?
Cat Shoe
This is more than just a shoe, it’s the cat’s shoe. It’s important for you to remember that. Otherwise, this particular kitty might just give a piece of its mind.
Evel Knievel
Is this cat trying to be the new Evel Knievel? Proving it can sleep on a thin, metal banister for days straight without falling? I know many people would watch this event until the very end!
Snack Time
Oh, were you thinking of putting snacks here? Maybe even some fruit? Yeah, that’s not going to happen. This bowl is mine now! I’m not giving it back.
Bit of a predicament
Uhh, yeah, this cat seems to have gotten himself into a bit of predicament. But how on earth did he even manage to fit into this glass bottle? It’s not like he’s super tiny!
Liquid Cat
You know how they say that cats are part liquid? Well good thing this one is in the sink. Or something like that.
Pocket Kitty
Oh my goodness. This is the cutest thing we have EVER seen! Look at the tiny kitty sleeping in a tiny t-shirt pocket? ~My heart is full~ There is nothing more I ever want in life then to just sweetly watch this kitty napping.
This is Comfort
Now, this is the look of comfort. And also the look of being deep into the stages of REM sleep. So whatever you do, don’t make a sound!
Office Cat
I really hope this cat isn’t on the payroll because it is totally wasting time right now. A nap in the middle of the day?! And on the printer no less? No shame.
Makes Sense
Makes total sense. What could be comfier than sleeping across the bars of a laundry rack? In this case, nothing.
Up Or Down?
We’re not sure if this cat fell asleep attempting to go or down the stairs, all we do know is, go around it. It’s far too peaceful for you to disturb it!
This is one fluffy kitty! And it seems to have gotten caught in between the chair and the table, although it doesn’t seem to mind.
Light Weight
This cat totally looks like its been drinking all night long and just stumbled in, falling asleep in the first place it laid down on. Pull yourself together!
Puppy Love
Now these two are totally out. Neither one is disturbing the other, they’re in total harmony. But don’t go showing that photo around to their friends, the whole cat-dog rivalry is no joke.
Summer Barbecue
Oh, you planned to have people over for a barbecue? Yeah, you’re going to need to reschedule that for another time.
Wear a helmet
When people pester you to always wear a helmet but you can’t. Cause there is quite literally a cat sleeping inside of you helmet and you’re not cold hearted so you just let it be.
Totally Normal
This is so normal, I mean everyone sleeps in the tree trunks. Move it along, sister. Nothing to see here.
I Iz Comfy
Don’t worry, cat lovers, the radiator isn’t on nor is it hurting the kitty cat. He’s safe and sleeping peacefully, all-be-it in the weirdest place ever.
Park Bench
I guess a park bench is a good place as any to take a cat nap. Hahah, sorry for the bad pun there. But you get what I mean.
Sleep Master
Nothing wrong with sleeping on a couch, everyone does it! Although this cat seems to be taking it to a whole other level.
Kit Kat
That’s right, not one but three sleepy kitties sleeping on top of a flower pot. We’re not entirely convinced that sleeping on soil is the greatest and most comfy place in the world.
Total Comfort
What is the fascination with flower pots? Does it have a certain smell or texture? Now then, we certainly won’t attempt to try it, we’ll just take this cat’s word that it’s comfy.
Aww, these two little buds are just too cute! Friends are always there for one another and taking naps, well that’s just part of the norm.
This is Yoga, Right?
Come on, this totally counts as a yoga position! Right? Oh…no? Well, I’m comfortable so I’ll just let this play out.
So. Not. Moving.
Before you freak out, no, the stove is not on! [No cats were hurt in the making of this article.] What we will say, this is pure craziness.
Nope, you won’t be filling up this Thanksgiving decoration with anything but…cat. So move it along sister cause this kitty is totally comfy and it’s got a partner in support.
Full Up
Yup, this kitty got so full eating that it literally passed out on top of its own food. How is the smell of dinner not waking him/her up right now? This is willpower.
Best Pillow Ever
Whatever works, really. No one ever said you had to use an actual pillow to sleep and this looks, moderately comfortable.
Cafe Goals
This cat’s human owns a lovely little cafe and the cat helps out. So when it’s break time, what better place to take a nap then on top of a table? I mean, really.
Party Animal
This kitty is all tuckered out from partying all night long. So much so that it even left it’s party hat on! Come on, who hasn’t also done this at some point?
This is a whole new way to play the piano. Or maybe this kitty was just inspired by Mozart that it was so overwhelmed, it fell asleep. Anything is possible.
Can’t Move
You know when your own dog or car or sometimes child, falls asleep on your lap and you can’t move because you don’t want to disturb that precious little baby? Yeah, that’s what’s happening here.
Aww, this doggie is protecting his car friend while it sleeps! Anything could happen but not while he’s around. Nope.
Either this cat dug up this box from the recycle bin or it ate all the crackers and fell into a food coma. Both are perfectly solid explanations.
Ball Of Yarn
If you had any intention of knitting yet another sweater or scarf, well then, you’re sorely mistaken.
Joey And Chandler Approved
Forget the duck and the chic, Joey and Chandler have moved on! With this cat, who probably ate the duck and the chic. We kid, we kid.
My Box
You think you would learn by now. No matter how many times you go out and buy your cat something, all its interested in is the box it came in.
Hugs To Go Around
There are plenty of hugs to go around here, just ask this doggie. Looks like he’s not going anywhere for the time being and I don’t think he really minds.
So Close
This adorable, fluffy little guy came so close to falling asleep in his own bed. But in the end, exhaustion took over and he had to settle.
Three Best Friends
Look a little closer if you can’t understand why we say “three.” Oh…you see it now? That’s right, in descending order we have the cat. Then the mouse! And finally, the dog. We don’t ask who we become friends with!