Great Escape From Alcatraz: The Real-Life Story

Published on June 3, 2018

Where Are They Now?

The fate of the three Alcatraz escapees, Frank Lee Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin might never come to the surface. We’re still not sure if police ever made contact with the person who wrote that eerie letter. If they were to be alive today, then Frank Lee Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin, would be 90, 86, and 87 respectively. This is a mystery that still lives on in American history.

Where Are They Now

Where Are They Now?

Not Impossible

Even though the waters surrounding Alcatraz Island are freezing during the year, and rough too, ruling out the possibility of swimming in them has been disproved. Nowadays many athletes complete the Alcatraz–Fort Point route in order to train for triathlon events.

Not Impossible

Not Impossible