A Mystery Find
We keep lots in our bag – that’s what they’re for. But we don’t normally find something we didn’t put in.

A Mystery Find
A Goodwill Buy
In Oregon, a woman was shopping for bargains at Goodwill. Not only was this woman a mom but she was also a CEO of an online clothing resale store. This is precisely what made her purchase the mysterious bag.

A Goodwill Buy
Sarah’s Big Deal
In fact, Sarah’s second hand business had quite the following online, so much so that she could make a steady income off of it. Her resale store, Sarah’s Southern Oregon 2nd Hand Deals, kept her at Goodwill all the time.

Sarah’s Big Deal
A Welcomed Surprise
Having to travel to a dusty second hand store several times a week had its own challenges. Sometimes Sarah wouldn’t get the deals she wanted for and this time she got more than she bargained for with her newest buy.

A Welcomed Surprise
A Good Buy
This diaper bag with a baby pink lining, selling for three dollars, was quite heavy at first. Sarah was too excited to notice. She had found a goldmine, a designer diaper bag in great condition, with leather straps still nicely intact.

A Good Buy
Undamaged Diaper Bag
What made this bag special, even before the surprise inside, was that it was is such good condition. Sarah knew how to find good bargains, but sometimes, after buying items, damage would be found that she hadn’t seen before.

Undamaged Diaper Bag
Missing Items
While cleaning the bag, Sarah noticed something sliding around inside. When she took a closer look, nothing was in the main compartment or the smaller pockets. Not knowing what she would find, she began to wonder.

Missing Items
A Hidden Gift
What would she find? Once she located the item under the lining her thoughts raced even more. Was it too late for her to return the bag? After all, she did not want to find something illegal.

A Hidden Gift
Curious Findings
Curiosity got the best of her, so she decided to search inside. Luckily, no cutting was needed as there was a small hole inside the bag. It was big enough to peek inside. Behind the fabric was something catching the light – something silver.

Curious Findings
Sarah’s Big Relief
The item was actually royal blue and felt lighter than she originally thought. It fit in her hand snuggly. The silver was actually a circular lens of a camera. Sarah was relieved as she pulled it out of the bag.

Sarah’s Big Relief
A Photo Opportunity
The camera, quite new at the time, was a Sony digital camera. But this left more questions than answered. And the only answer was to see who it belonged to. She couldn’t keep someone else’s memories and their camera.

A Photo Opportunity
Mom And Tot’s Memories
The suspense filled Sarah as she turned the camera on and it booted up. Time seemed so slow. If the camera was someone else’s, who knows what she might find. There was a baby and its mother in the photos.

Mom And Tot’s Memories
Lost Without A Clue
The diaper bag and the photos were a clue, but how was Sarah supposed to return these precious memories? She knew these would be cherished photos, and she wanted to practice what she so often told her children – help others.

Lost Without A Clue
Saving Memories
Time spent while children grow up is so important to begin with, and Sarah knew that if she had lost irreplaceable memories that she would be crushed. Sarah knew what she had to do and she immediately took action.

Saving Memories
Online Support
Due to her successful online entrepreneurship, Sarah had a good deal of followers online and that gave her somewhere to start. She knew that these pictures meant something to somebody, and using the internet meant that more people could help.

Online Support
Messages From The Heart
The chances were slim because there was no clue as to how long ago this camera had been lost, but taking a chance was all Sarah could do. She spoke from the heart, being a mother herself. She typed quickly.

Messages From The Heart
Help From Facebook
“Does anyone know who this family or people in these pictures are? I want to make sure they get their camera and most definitely their SD card” Sarah had posted with some of the photos to her dedicated Facebook following.

Help From Facebook
Mystery Owner Found
An hour had passed and Sarah’s post was working its magic. Suggestions flew back and forth, leaving Sarah feeling hopeful but unconvinced. Finally, the post made its way to the owner of the photos, who didn’t know what was coming.

Mystery Owner Found
Confused Katie
Katie Conner, the owner of the special memories, was wildly confused. In her dazed state, Katie received a Facebook message from Sarah. She confessed that she had no clue what was going on but Sarah was still thrilled beyond belief.

Confused Katie
Reminding And Reminiscing
Sarah informed Katie of everything that happened. She had Katie’s photos on the SD card of the camera. Katie wasn’t sure about the situation, so Sarah sent her some photos to win Katie over. Hopefully, that would jog her memory.

Reminding And Reminiscing
Old Photos, New Friends
Katie was so shocked to see these old photos of her son that she was overcome with joy – she even almost cried. She thought she would never see them again. So the ladies met at a local Target parking lot.

Old Photos, New Friends
The Long Search Is Over
The meetup was emotional – Katie thanked Sarah excitedly and expressed her disbelief that this heartfelt adventure had even happened. Katie breaks the news to Sarah about how long she had been searching for the photos of her and her son.

The Long Search Is Over
The Memories Are Even Older
The photos had been missing since 2010. This made Sarah’s jaw almost drop. The photos had been missing for seven years before Sarah had found them. Her son had even started school since the photos were taken and was learning to read.

The Memories Are Even Older
Humble Sarah
Through this amazing story, Katie had found missing memories. But Sarah still kept her humility intact through it all. She didn’t want praise, because she believed that anyone would have done what she did if they were in her shoes.

Humble Sarah
An Inspiring End
“I didn’t think it was a big deal. I think that anyone else would do it, but I guess maybe nowadays that isn’t the case,” Sarah had said in an interview. Hopefully, she inspires more people to do the same.

An Inspiring End
From Sarah To Elmer
Sarah wasn’t the only good samaritan of 2017, though. Elmer Alvarez was another kind-hearted person who was part of a heartfelt tale of returning possessions. He didn’t know it at the time but his story would be bigger than imaginable.

From Sarah To Elmer
Homeless And Lucky
When Elmer had found this check on the street, he knew that it could be his big break. He was sleeping in the cold as a homeless man. He had his own problems and money could definitely help solve them.

Homeless And Lucky
Struggling To Get By
Elmer had a troubled past and was now clean. But he lived with the repercussions of his choices every day. His suffering didn’t sway him to do bad things, so when the check was in his hands it made history.

Struggling To Get By
Living On Kindness
Connecticut, where he lived, had bitterly cold winters and his hope, before this check, was to survive from the donations and gifts from strangers. He would later get the biggest gift he could ever get, but he didn’t even know.

Living On Kindness
Ignored Elmer
Elmer starts the story of the luckiest day of his life by saying that he was walking during a chilly morning. He didn’t feel lucky as strangers ignored him while he begged them to spare just a bit of change.

Ignored Elmer
Not Feeling The Cold
People would stop every now and again but that didn’t save him from another night under the stars. He had decided to walk to another block after being ignored for the last time. He couldn’t even worry about the cold.

Not Feeling The Cold
A Life-Changing Find
All he could think about was how he was going to get his next meal. These thoughts were interrupted by a paper on the ground that caught his eye. Someone must’ve dropped it. Elmer bent down to pick it up.

A Life Changing Find
Mysterious Paper
The wind blew and the piece of paper flew away as if it was fleeing. Elmer was already curious so he followed the paper and picked it up with his ice cold fingers. He somehow knew it was a check.

Mysterious Paper
Checking The Check
But he had no idea just how big it was – not in size but in value. The check had been signed but no beneficiary had been written. Elmer could just fill in his name and forget his problems ever existed.

Checking The Check
A Moral Question
The amount of money on the check was staggering to Elmer. For someone who had to pinch pennies just to eat he was astounded. Ten thousand dollars were in his clammy hands. They would make his future so much brighter.

A Moral Question
The Empty Street
When he looked around there was nobody in sight. Should he look out for himself or try to find the mysterious owner of the check? He did not know at the time but the owner was actually a successful CEO.

The Empty Street
Meeting Roberta
Roberta Haskie was actually just a few blocks away from where he was going through this moral crisis. She was the president of Outreach Realty Services and Outreach School of Real Estate. This kept her incredibly busy all the time.

Meeting Roberta
The Lady And The Honest Man
This unlikely pair of a homeless man and a CEO could not be more ironic. But Roberta herself knew struggle just like Elmer. She had also been homeless. When she was seventeen she was a single mother who battled everyday.

The Lady And The Honest Man
Empathy From Experience
She got her much-needed break when she applied for an internship at Yale University. Although she had escaped the struggle of homelessness she still kept mindful of her roots. That is why Elmer’s fate changed due to her incredible kindness.

Empathy From Experience
Elmer’s Decision
Back on the streets, Elmer decided to look for clues as to who could be the owner of the check. At the back of the check was Roberta’s phone number. Elmer had no clue who she was but made his decision.

Elmer’s Decision
A Historical Phone Call
When Elmer managed to get his hands on a phone he dialed the number and it rang three times. Roberta answered it unsuspectingly and did not know that he would change her life. Elmer explained everything to her.

A Historical Phone Call
New Beginnings
When she furiously searched her handbag she discovered the truth – the check was not there. She ignored her anger at herself and continued to speak to Elmer. Elmer and Roberta met at a nearby street corner along with Elmer’s friend.

New Beginnings
Giving Back
Roberta was astonished by Elmer’s unbelievable actions. A homeless man stood in front of her giving back her ten thousand dollars. She knew she had to do something in return so she recorded the interaction and posted it on Facebook.

Giving Back
Roberta’s Plan
The fact that he had needed this money so much made Roberta almost burst into tears. This is why she had to help him in any way possible. She knew she had to repay him so she made a plan.

Roberta’s Plan
A Confession
She made him wait at the corner where they met and rushed to her office to get her checkbook. While writing a check, the two got to know each other and she told Elmer that she was once homeless too.

A Confession
More Than Money
But Roberta, having been in that situation, knew that cash was not enough. Hope was almost lost when the bank refused to cash Elmer’s check because they were suspicious that it was fraudulent. But this would not matter soon enough.

More Than Money
Famous For Being Good
It turned out that Roberta’s Facebook post had swept the internet. When the unlikely pair met again Elmer was greeted with a crowd of kind people who applauded him. Roberta had to sit Elmer down to explain her grand plan.

Famous For Being Good
The Best News
Elmer was going to school free of charge. Roberta broke the news to him by telling him that he was enrolled in her successful real estate school and his classes would begin soon. His future was nearer than anticipated.

The Best News
Homeless No More
He would be one of the lucky ones that got to escape the poverty cycle just like Roberta. But the plan did not stop there. Elmer was no longer homeless. Roberta rented him an apartment for the next six months.

Homeless No More
Needless to say, Elmer was overwhelmed. He gave Roberta a huge hug. He was too emotional to speak and, even if he could, he had no idea what to say. On top of the classes he also got a roof over his head.

Plus A Job
Roberta had also organized a job interview at her friend’s real estate agency. She explained to him that the interview was there for when he felt that he was ready to pursue a career in real estate as she had.

Plus A Job
Enthusiastic Elmer
Elmer couldn’t wait, he exclaimed: “I’m ready now!” She had gotten Elmer back onto his feet but it was his duty to walk again. He studied hard for his real estate exams so he never had to go back.

Enthusiastic Elmer
Awaiting Results
If he passed that would mean that he was a qualified real estate agent. He also had attended all of his classes enthusiastically. The two sat at a table and looked at the envelope that held his results with anticipation.

Awaiting Results
Great News
If Elmer hadn’t passed he wouldn’t know what to do. He had not felt this kind of pressure in a long time. Roberta was the first to see Elmer’s results. She couldn’t keep a straight face as she grinned excitedly.

Great News
Elmer’s Big Opportunity
He had passed and could finally pursue his dreams. Who knew a small piece of paper could change his life forever? Ten thousand dollars only go so far but Roberta’s kindness had set Elmer up to reach for the stars.

Elmer’s Big Opportunity
A True Success
If Elmer hadn’t been so honest he would probably have still been living on the street. He would still be freezing in the winter and begging for spare change. But now, he is a director of a real estate agency.

A True Success
Going The Distance
Kindness from strangers goes so far, and people forget that a simple compassionate act can change someone’s life. Everyone can learn from Sarah and Elmer. They did not do something good for praise or fortune, they were just being kind.

Going The Distance