Did These Brothers Just Solve An Unsolvable 200-Year-Old Mystery?

Published on September 5, 2018

A Single Coin

it didn’t take too long for the brothers to bring something new and valuable to the curious world. A single copper coin came up from a swamp that they had started digging in. Experts claimed that the coin was a 17th century Spanish coin. Immediately, theories started to pop up about who could have left the coin behind. The brothers’ motivation to continue searching and digging was multiplied tenfold.

Proving The Theories

A Single Coin

Mind-Blowing Discoveries

Even though the single coin was a big break after years of barren searches, it would not be the biggest find. Using all the latest technology, like massive pumps to drain water from the pits and sonar readers to find hidden items, more was to come. They were blown away when they found a Roman sword, a number of Portuguese carvings and even evidence that humans from the Aztec civilization had reached the island.

More Discoveries

Mind-Blowing Discoveries