The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on June 4, 2020

Insensitive Jokes

Johnny Carson did not shy away from controversial topics when it came to jokes on his show. One topic he entertained often was that of people who are overweight. Actor Raymond Burr was the butt of Carson’s jokes many times, so much so that he decided to stop appearing on The Tonight Show.

Insensitive Jokes

Insensitive Jokes

Quite The Statement

Johnny Carson was no stranger to controversy, and that may be due to the fact that he did not shy away from saying exactly what was on his mind. One quote that is attributed to him is: “If life were fair, Elvis would still be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.” While we see what he’s trying to say, that is wishing negativity on a lot of innocent people. Yikes!

Quite The Statement

Quite The Statement