The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on June 4, 2020

Legal Drama

Carson faced some silly legal drama when a portable toilet company decided to use the name “Here’s Johnny!” for their portable toilets. Since the iconic phrase originated from Carson’s show, he decided to sue the company. After a decade and two appeals, Carson won the battle, but the company is still fighting to be able to reclaim the name.

More Legal Drama

Legal Drama

Mr. Rogers Wasn’t His Friend

Carson decided to play a spoof of Mr. Rogers. In the skit, Carson acted as an alternate universe evil Mr. Rogers that asked children to steal money from their parents in order to help fund his show. The skit was no well received and even Fred Rogers, the real Mr. Rogers was not happy with it, which led to Caron apologizing to him.

Mr. Rogers Wasn't His Friend

Mr. Rogers Wasn’t His Friend