The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on June 4, 2020

Fame And No Fortune

According to Bushkin, while Johnny Carson was hosting The Tonight Show, he was quite broke. He ended up with little to no savings, zero investments, and owning no real estate properties. Apparently it was due to the fact that his managers took advantage of him and he did not take enough care to manage his assets (or lack thereof) on his own.

Fame And No Fortune

Fame And No Fortune

His Best Friend

Carson was known for his relationships and friendships with people, but he did have one man stand by his side through all the ups and down. Ed McMahon was his friend for 46 unwavering years. Carson himself said that despite working together for so many years, they had real camaraderie that could not be faked or taken for granted.

His Best Friend

His Best Friend