This Is The Reason Why These Celebrities Are Not Married

Published on March 3, 2020

Edie Falco

Edie Falco, who is best known for her role as Carmela Soprano on the hit HBO show The Sopranos, never married in real life. On the matter she has said: “in my life, in general, I don’t see a lot of marriages that look appealing to me.” She adopted two daughters as she never felt that it was necessary to have a husband in order to have a family.

Edie Falco

Edie Falco

Allison Janney

Allison Janney has never been married but don’t you dare feel sorry for her! She has embraced the bachelor lifestyle, saying:  “I want to be a player! I’m still single! I want to feel sexy and young and pretty for as long as I can.” We love her attitude.

Allison Janney

Allison Janney