Hidden beneath all of the expensive clothing and behind the locked doors of their various luxurious mansions, celebrities are just like us deep down in their hearts. Though they may live a lavish life of luxury and constantly live life on the look out for paparazzi, they have hopes and dreams and even fears. Some fears are rational and others are not. The difference is how extreme a person will take their fears. We gathered a list of your favorite celebrities and their absolutely bizarre phobias!
From Britney Spears and Tyra Banks to Megan Fox, Robert De Niro and Madonna, you never knew your favorite stars were harboring these intense fears. They wear the latest trends, attend red carpet events and see to not have a care in the world. Plus, they have the money to solve a lot of common problems that most people have. Listen not even celebrities who seem to have the perfect lives can be immune from irrational fears. We guarantee you had no clue they were suffering from these phobias. However, now that you hear this, you will never forget it. It’s something that will come up anytime you see a photo of them or even watch a movie or show they’ve starred in. Maybe you also have a strange phobia and you can find something in common with these stars. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that celebrities are people too. Thus, like us normal folks, they too can have irrational fears and phobias that even affect their lives. This goes beyond just a fear of spiders or insects. Come on, we all know someone with that fear. These are pretty bizarre and uncommon phobias that you would have never guessed.
While you’re reading about these phobias, not only will you learn things you never knew about these celebrities, but you’ll definitely also learn about phobias you never knew existed. Seriously, there are endless phobias out there, but meeting or hearing about someone that is afraid of hangers can be pretty rare. (Yes, one of the celebrities on our list is actually afraid of hangers!) Anyway, let’s get to the list because these are some unbelievable phobias. Get ready to be amazed that these phobias exist and that your favorite stars actually suffer from all of these intense, irrational fears.
Nicole Kidman
The piercing blue eyes and long, luscious blonde hair have made Nicole Kidman a mainstay in the tightest of Hollywood circles. The Australian native has already earned over $300 million in her career . Despite her numerous acting awards for films like Moulin Rouge! and The Hours, Kidman can’t escape her bizarre fear of butterflies. That’s right, Kidman is tragically afraid of one of nature’s prettiest insects. She can deal with spiders without needing treatment for anxiety but when a butterfly comes near her all bets are off. Husband Keith Urban would do well to watch out for the winged bug when the couple goes on walks together!