Interesting Facts That Pawn Stars Doesn’t Tell You About Chumlee

Published on January 12, 2020

A Beneficial Friendship

Chumlee and Corey used to hang out at Corey’s father’s shop often. Rick Harrison, along with Corey’s grandfather, owned Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, and that’s where he learned the tricks of the trade. When he was 21 years old, Chumlee started working there full time.

A Beneficial Friendship

A Beneficial Friendship

He Almost Wasn’t Cast

When Pawn Stars was in its early developmental infancy, the original plan was only to feature the Harrison men: “Old Man” Richard, his son Rick, and Rick’s son Corey. Once the cast was expanded to people outside the family, Chumlee was one of 10 employees being considered for the cast.

He Almost Wasn't Cast

He Almost Wasn’t Cast