All Grown Up
This woman took in this adorable puppy and truly became a mother to him. On the left, we see the adorable pup at 3 months old in the sling, and on the right we see him after several months of growth, at 9 months old. How adorable is he?

All Grown Up
Indoor Vs. Outdoor
When choosing fixtures for your home, it’s important to consider where they’ll be placed. This door handle is perfect for indoors, but as you can see, was really not the best choice for outside. The difference between the two sides is really incredible and shows how important weather-proof materials are.

Indoor Vs. Outdoor
What You Ordered Vs. What You Got
There’s always a difference between the photo in the advertisement and what you end up getting, but these cases are truly extreme. The pizza and chicken fingers that were actually served look absolutely nothing like what was promised in the ad. Hopefully they were still tasty!

What You Ordered Vs. What You Got
Shower Time
Most dogs absolutely love beach trips where they’re free to run around, play in the sand, and some even love splashing around the waves too. All of that fun comes with a cost, which means lots of sand lodged in their fur and paws. Now, cleanup time isn’t nearly as fun, as we can see in the difference of these two photos and this pup’s face.

Shower Time
Poor Teddy
A lot of times when you order something online, it can truly be a risk. What you see in the photo is not always what you get. However, this teddy bear was so different from what was expected that it actually ended up being terrifying instead of adorable. We’re not really sure what happened here, but we might not want to know.

Poor Teddy
Growing Up Grumpy
Everyone loves photos of grumpy kitties, and this one is certainly no exception. While she was a baby, she had a permanently grumpy look on her face, and as she grew up, she didn’t get any happier. Luckily, we all love these grumpy scowls and find them to be quite adorable.

Growing Up Grumpy
Ad Vs. Reality
Here is yet another case of the actual product looking very different from the one promised in the advertisement. The burger in the commercial is much larger, has a bigger patty, and overall looks much more appetizing than the real deal.

Ad Vs. Reality
Craft Fail
A lot of Pinterest projects end up looking very different from what they were intended to look like. A lot of times, the people posting the DIY projects have been crafting for years, and the skills they’ve earned took time, so we may not all be able to replicate the same results the first time.

Craft Fail
His & Her Pants
While many couples have a height discrepancy, this one is actually quite comical. This man is 6’3” while his wife is just 5’2”. That means that the difference in their pants is hilarious. You can probably fit her entire jeans in just one of his pant legs.

His & Her Pants
Cheese? Burger
Once again, we are faced with the problem of the image on the box being quite misleading. This product was marketed as a cheeseburger, while upon further inspection, you can see that there’s really barely any cheese to be spoken of on the actual burger. Making your own is probably the better choice.

Cheese? Burger
Well, That Didn’t Work
Making a homemade dessert is always a good idea because most of the time, they turn out better than store-bought. However, that may not always be the case, as we can see here. This poor person really tried their best to create chocolate covered strawberries, but the final result was far from perfect.

Well, That Didn’t Work
So Sleepy
This adorable dog is truly giving us plenty of adorable expressions for a variety of cute pictures. On the left, we see him full of energy, exuding joy and even looking like he’s smiling. On the right, we see him after a full day of running around and looking absolutely exhausted but still looking adorable.

So Sleepy
Neighbors Everywhere
This is a great way to tell where you’re living. It truly highlights the difference between living in areas that are urban, suburban, and rural. We’re sure that these students never forgot the difference between the three after this comparison. So which one do you live in?

Neighbors Everywhere
Actually Terrifying
Face masks have become quite popular as of late, and the variety of designs has truly expanded. This emoji themed mask promised to look adorable but actually just ended up looking absolutely horrifying. The design on the package fails to show the fact that you need breathing and eye holes, which make a big difference in the final look.

Actually Terrifying
Needs A Renovation ASAP
We know that hotels and motels will hire a professional photographer to make their establishments their best, there’s a difference between a nice photo and a photo that misrepresents the actual condition of the place. This hotel’s pool clearly needed a lot of attention in real life, while it looked flawless in the photo.

Needs A Renovation ASAP
Snow Dog Vs. Real Dog
Snow sculptures are absolutely amazing. A person on Reddit shared a photo of this amazing snow dog that her father sculpted, and hilariously their actual dog decided to climb on top of it. The photo truly illustrates the size difference between the real thing and the snow representation.

Snow Dog Vs. Real Dog
Mom Vs. Me
This woman decided to share a photo of her mother when she was 27 years old and already had a baby and then also shared a photo of herself at 27 years old, holding her fur baby. This really highlights the difference in generations, as a lot of young people today are waiting until they are a bit older in order to have kids.

Mom Vs. Me
Real Life Vs. Hollywood
CGI technology as truly come a long way and it’s really amazing what differences special effects can have in the final cut. Here we see the special effects difference from an episode of The Walking Dead versus the real life lot where the scene was shot.

Real Life Vs. Hollywood
Original Vs. 4K
Speaking of technological advancements, we can see how incredible 4K video quality can make old videos, even retroactively. Just take a look at the difference between this “Thriller” video, originally on VHS, now remastered on 4K. It is so much clearer and brighter.

Original Vs. 4K
Summer Vs. Winter
What a difference the change of season can make! Here we see a skit resort in the peak of summer, serving as an excellent hiking spot, versus in the dead of winter when it is covered in snow and serving its usual purpose of being a ski spot.

Summer Vs. Winter
Movie Cat Vs. Real Cat
Recently, Disney has been releasing live action remakes of their classics. The new version of The Lion King updated the animated animals to more realistic looking ones. However, while compared to an actual cat, we can see the difference between the two is still apparent.

Movie Cat Vs. Real Cat
Unwanted To Adopted
Dogs that are left at shelters for a long time are visibly sad and can even become quite depressed. That’s why it’s so incredible to see photos of dogs that have been adopted and are going to their forever homes. He we see the massive difference in this dog’s demeanor after being adopted into a loving home!

Unwanted To Adopted
Learning From Nature
Sometimes we really don’t have to reinvent the wheel and we humans can be humble and admit that we have a lot we can learn from nature. Here we see how American heavy strategic B2 bombers look extremely similar the Common Buzzard bird.

Learning From Nature
Who She’s Really Excited About
This man shared this hilarious photo comparing his wife’s facial expression on their wedding day versus on the day she met actor Row Lowe. We’re not saying she wasn’t happy on her wedding day, but it’s very clear that she was very happy to meet Rob Lowe.

Who She’s Really Excited About
Ken 1985 vs. Ken 2018
We don’t often think about how dolls, toys, and games have changed throughout the years. Here we see the 1985 Ken Doll, who truly resembles a young Robert Redford, versus a more up to date Ken from 2018. Can you tell how much he’s changed? Does the new Ken reflect a different beauty ideal?

Ken 1985 Vs. Ken 2018
Human and Ape Skeletons
This one is pretty incredible. Here we can see the differences but also similarities between the skeletons of a human and an ape. The gorilla skeleton shows how its huge jaw gives them such a strong bite, while we can see that the human skeleton is more upright.

Human And Ape Skeletons
Day and Night In Barcelona
Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and this aerial shot shows how it is neatly organized in a grid pattern that allows for plenty of pedestrian traffic to move easily around the city. We can also see the difference between the day and night in the major Spanish city.

Day And Night In Barcelona
Smallest Computer and Grain of Rice
As technology advances, the size of computers becomes smaller and smaller. In 2018, IBM announced that it created the smallest computer in the world, which is just 0.33mm on every side. Here we can see what it looks like next to a grain of salt, which shows just how tiny it truly is.

Smallest Computer And Grain Of Rice
$10 vs $400 Lightsaber
Sometimes, you truly get what you pay for. A casual Star Wars fan might opt for the $10 lightsaber, which does the job. However, a serious fan might want to go for the $400 option, which really looks so much more like the real thing.

$10 Vs $400 Lightsaber
Clear Skies vs. Fires
The fire situation in the western part of the United States is truly getting worse over time. Here we can see the difference between how it looks on a clear day in California versus how smoggy the conditions are after a fire. In 2018, there were 8527 recorded fires in California alone.

Clear Skies Vs. Fires
Old vs. New Phone
Technology is changing so rapidly that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Anyone who remembers cell phones in the 1990’s will remember this Motorola cell phone that had an actual antenna on it. It looks like a total relic next to the modern iPhone that most of us are used to these days.

Old Vs. New Phone
The Moon Compared To The US
A lot of people know that the moon is quite large but don’t have a sense of just what its size is. This illustration helps give you a sense of perspective, as it superimposes an image of the moon underneath a map of the US, which shows that the US is about half the size of the moon’s circumference.

The Moon Compared To The US
Happy Face and Sad Face
Dogs are truly ma’s best friend. In the photo on the left, we see this owner’s dog excited to see him first thing in the morning. We’re sure that he was also fed recently. In the photo on the right, the owner is about to head out to work, and this poor pup is trying to guilt his owner into staying home.

Happy Face And Sad Face
Tanned Vs. Covered
Most of the time we don’t think about the fact that our feet get much less exposure to the sun simply because of our shoes. Here we can see the major difference between this person’s hand versus his foot, and we can see the huge difference in the tan.

Tanned Vs. Covered
Longboard Shoes
While longboarding, most people use their dominant side’s foot to push against the ground for momentum, and also use the same foot for stopping. We can see that this is the case based on this person’s shoe soles.

Longboard Shoes
Old and New Video Games
Just like cell phones, the advances in technology has meant that video games have dramatically changed throughout the years. The graphics went from pixelated to so realistic, that sometimes it’s pretty unbelievable that what’s on the screen isn’t actually a video of real life. We’re sure that it will continued to look more and more realistic over time.

Old And New Video Games
Left and Right Handles
While it’s common knowledge that most people are right handed, we can truly see that this is really the case based on how worn out the tops of these door handles are. While the one of the left is worn out, the right side is much more worn out since so many more people open the door with their right hand. Just 12% of the world are lefties!

Left And Right Handles
Vast Ship Size Difference
Since the majority of us will never set foot on a ship in our lives, we might not know that there used to be a huge difference in ship sizes. Here we can see the difference in Zheng He’s ship and Christopher Columbus’ ship. These two explorers were around during the 1400’s.

Vast Ship Size Difference
Different Animal Claws
This chart of varying animal claws shows that while they’re all the same idea, claws come in all different shapes and sizes. It’s pretty incredible to see the difference between the claw of a Harpy Eagle and Grizzly Bear. What we can all agree on is that we don’t want to come into contact with any of these claws.

Different Animal Claws
Actors vs Real Life in Chernobyl
Sometimes, when fictionalized accounts of real life events are represented on the small screen, people get upset that the actors chosen to portray real people look nothing like the real people. That was not the case with the HBO show Chernobyl, which did a pretty good job with finding actors that looked like the real life people.

Actors Vs Real Life In Chernobyl