All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Remove Tomato Stains

Tomatoes are a wonderful vegetable (or fruit, but we’re not here for that debate) that can be used in a myriad of ways. One annoying thing about tomatoes is that they are sometimes pretty messy. Guess what, though. You can use WD40 get the tomato stains out.

Remove Tomato Stains

Remove Tomato Stains

Clean The Fridge

It’s pretty common for the inside of the fridge to be left off the list of things that need to be cleaned around the house. Spilled food and little bits stick to the shelves and things can get really gross, as well as cause a nasty smell. Use WD40 to get those caked on messes.

Clean The Fridge

Clean The Fridge