All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Prevent Boat Corrosion

Any Friends fan will tell you what Rachel Green’s father told her: rust is like cancer for a boat. Corrosion is a boat’s biggest enemy, so you should really do your very best to help prevent this. WD40 is a good tool to use in order to help prevent rust on your boat.

Prevent Boat Corrosion

Prevent Boat Corrosion

De-Barnacle Your Boats

Speaking of boats, another issue that comes up to plague the boat is when barnacles attach themselves on the side. Although we may associate barnacles with pirate ships, they are definitely not something you want on your boat. WD40 can help when you’re trying to scrape them off and get rid of the barnacles.

De-Barnacle Your Boat

De-Barnacle Your Boat