All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Ring Removal

Sizing your rings is important in order to make sure that they fit properly: not too snug, but not impossible to remove. However, sometimes you’ll find yourself in situations where it becomes difficult to take a ring off anyway. No need to panic, just spray some WD40 on your finger around the ring and easily pry it off your finger.

Ring Removal

Ring Removal

Gum Removal

If you’ve ever been walking and suddenly felt that dreaded feeling of your shoe sticking to the ground a bit, then you’ve probably stepped in chewing gum. It’s very rude that people toss their used up gum on the ground, and it can be so annoying to clean from your shoes. You can help make the job easier by using a spray or two of WD40.

Gum Removal

Gum Removal