All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Sticker Removal

Ever wondered how 5 years ago you thought you couldn’t live without that bumper sticker on the back of your car? If you’ve reached a point where you want to get rid of an unwanted bumper sticker, you might find that it can be tricky to remove. You can make this a lot easier on yourself by spraying some WD40 to help peel the sticker off of your car.

Sticker Removal

Sticker Removal

Unclog Shower Heads

A blocked shower head can ruin a relaxing shower in no time. There’s really almost nothing worse than a shower with weak pressure. WD40 can help in this situation as well. Spray some directly onto the shower head and get back to enjoying your shower again.

Unclog Shower Heads

Unclog Shower Heads