Farmer Notices Strange Eggs with the Crops and Cries Whenever They Hatch

Published on June 13, 2023
Farmer Hans couldn’t believe what he saw. There were strange objects all over his land. Everything had been fine a few days ago, and now he realized that they were eggs, and there were hundreds.

The man drove back home and woke up his wife, Bonny, and their two children, Giselle and Mary. Everyone was shocked to see that the corn was dead, but eggs were now in its place. They were almost ready to hatch, and Hans wondered if he should destroy them. The daughters were adamant about not hurting them, and his next suggestion shocked them! What was inside?!

Dream to Reality

Farmers have routines, such as waking up before the sun to work. They deal with hard labor that’s rewarding. Hans had always wanted to be a farmer, and he was finally there. Nothing could be wrong now, right?!

Dream to Reality

Dream to Reality

Something Strange

Hans lived on the farm with Bonny and his children, Mary and Giselle. They grew vegetables and herded sheep. Overall, it was a simple life with few extraordinary things happening. Therefore, he was shocked one morning!

Something Strange

Something Strange


A Strange Interruption

Hans woke up and donned his overalls, letting his wife sleep in like always. He made everyone breakfast, so they’d eat when they got up. Something strange happened while he was getting ready to feed the animals.

A Strange Interruption

A Strange Interruption


An Unfamiliar Sound

While in the kitchen, Hans heard an odd noise from outside. Since it was dark, he couldn’t see what it was, but it had never been heard before in his lifetime. Overall, he felt strange and listened to it, which started to scare him.

An Unfamiliar Sound

An Unfamiliar Sound


Nothing Normal Today

His wife had snuck up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. This frightened him, but Bonny laughed. Next, the girls rushed down, thinking their mother had screamed, but it had been Hans. This day just wouldn’t be normal!

Nothing Normal Today

Nothing Normal Today


Unusual Behavior

Once everyone ate breakfast, Hans went outside to feed the animals. He walked to the chicken coop with buckets and noticed that his chickens were acting differently. They ran around and appeared to be scared.

Unusual Behavior

Unusual Behavior


What’s Happening

Hans noticed another odd thing. One chicken had gone missing. Where was it?! He walked around and saw a pile of feathers on the ground. Had someone killed his chicken? This could not be good!

What's Happening

What’s Happening


Grabbing a Box

Overall, Hans knew what it meant. He went into the house to grab a towel and a box to put the dead chicken in. He wondered how it had died and whether it was sudden. Clearly, nothing was wrong with the animals yesterday!

Grabbing a Box

Grabbing a Box


Not Just Chickens

He made his rounds, heading to the pigs. They were much louder than normal, and he wondered what was happening. He fed the pigs, which quieted them down. However, something strange was afoot, and he had to know what it was!

Not Just Chickens

Not Just Chickens


Harvest Time

Hans heard the noise again, but he couldn’t stop to find out what it was. He finished feeding his animals and got the tractor to harvest the fields. Today, he was working on the corn and didn’t notice what was under the machine.

Harvest Time

Harvest Time



Before he drove away, Mary screamed loudly and told him to stop. She had noticed something on the ground, and she went white as a ghost. She was pointing at the wheels, and he jumped off to investigate.




Poor Kitten

A sick kitten was right in front of the tractor wheels. The man would have run it over if Mary hadn’t seen it first. In fact, it had strange marks on the ears and was clearly undernourished. Mary offered to care for it.

Poor Kitten

Poor Kitten


One Thing After Another

Most of the time, Hans worked on autopilot because things were dull. However, today was one thing after another, and he couldn’t keep track of what he was doing. That animal worried him because of those strange marks.

One Thing After Another

One Thing After Another


Come Here

Before he could think much about what had happened, Giselle ran up to him from inside the house. She screamed at him to go to the cornfield. He told her he was heading that way, but he got a huge surprise.

Come Here

Come Here


White Dots Everywhere

Hans got back onto the tractor, driving into the field. It was across from the house, so it was a quick trip. As he neared the area, he saw white dots in the distance. However, he didn’t think anything bad until he got closer.

White Dots Everywhere

White Dots Everywhere



He got off the machine while Giselle ran to stand beside him. Mary and Bonny ran toward them as well, and Bonny asked if they were eggs. Hans thought they were, but they were all stunned as to why they were there. Then, the sound came again.




Same Sounds

Hans heard the same sound as earlier, and it was coming from the field. Finally, he bent over to listen to the eggs. Startled, he jumped back and realized something was inside. Both Giselle and Mary did the same.

Same Sounds

Same Sounds


What to Do

These eggs looked like they would hatch soon, and Hans wanted to get rid of them quickly. Jumping onto the tractor, he started it up, but the girls got in front of it to stop him. Finally, he suggested something that shocked them all.

What to Do

What to Do


Happy Girls

Hans said that the crops weren’t salvageable, but they might be able to save the eggs. The girls got excited and jumped for joy. However, they had to decide the best way to keep these eggs warm until they were ready.

Happy Girls

Happy Girls


Fragile Eggs

There were 20 eggs throughout the field, and Hans worried that something might happen if they moved the eggs. Therefore, he thought of a great idea. The only problem was moving them without cracking them.

Fragile Eggs

Fragile Eggs


Black Tarp

His suggestion was to put a black tarp over all of the eggs. That would keep them dry if it rained, and they’d also warm up under the sunshine. The girls liked the plan and went to the barn for a tarp!

Black Tarp

Black Tarp


Bonny Disagrees

Bonny wasn’t so enthusiastic. She was worried about the eggs and wondered about the animal that laid them. How had they gotten there, and what if they were from snakes? Though Bonny wouldn’t harm animals, she was upset.

Bonny Disagrees

Bonny Disagrees


Setting Up the Tarp

Hans saw his wife’s face and said they looked like chicken eggs. Before Bonny could protest more, the daughters came with the black tarp. They stretched it over the eggs, securing it with rocks. Then, they all got to work.

Setting Up the Tarp

Setting Up the Tarp



His daughters couldn’t be separated from the eggs. In fact, they stayed all day in the field while Hans finished his work. Then, he had to almost drag them inside and promise to give them dessert to make them go home.




Noises Wake Hans

Han awoke the next morning to a weird sound. It wasn’t like yesterday; now, it seemed like giggles. Instantly, he knew what had happened and got up, running to the window. He was shocked at what he saw!

Noises Wake Hans

Noises Wake Hans


Waking Bonny

The girls had gotten up before him to check on the eggs. Hans yelled out the window that it was only 4 a.m., which woke his wife. She asked what was happening but heard the giggles and needed no explanation.

Waking Bonny

Waking Bonny


Downstairs Quickly

Bonny rushed out of bed and downstairs, jumping into her robe and boots. She glared at Hans, telling him that the eggs were bad news because their girls had never acted like that before. Hopefully, everything was okay.

Downstairs Quickly

Downstairs Quickly


Building Nests

The girls knew their mother was angry, but they wanted to see the eggs. When Bonny saw what the daughters had been up to, she was awe-struck. Mary and Giselle had grabbed straw and hay from the barn, building nests for the eggs.

Building Nests

Building Nests


Proud Hans

Bonny ended up praising her daughters for taking care of the eggs, claiming they would be great farmers one day. Hans and his wife shared a wink. In fact, he was just as proud, but then he heard a crack!

Proud Hans

Proud Hans


The Loud Crack

Suddenly, there was a loud crack. The girls jumped from shock and thought they’d smashed them. However, they had taken care of the eggs, so it wasn’t that. In fact, something was coming out!

The Loud Crack

The Loud Crack



Giselle took a close look at the egg and saw a crack in the shell. She screamed joyfully, holding it up so that everyone could see. It was about time for everything to happen. However, Mary reacted strangely.





No one expected Mary to seem sad. She wasn’t happy and began crying. In fact, she didn’t want the eggs to break and wasn’t old enough to understand what was going on. Bonny tried explaining things.




Cheering Mary Up

Bonny couldn’t explain what was happening. Therefore, she brought Mary inside to help with the sick kitten. In fact, it was time to feed the little guy, and it worked out well. Plus, Hans didn’t know what was in the eggs.

Cheering Mary Up

Cheering Mary Up


Eggs Cracking

They had found the eggs two days ago, and the tarp had done its job of protecting them and keeping them warm. In fact, more eggs were cracking, so whatever was inside would soon come out!

Eggs Cracking

Eggs Cracking


Checking on Them

After four days, it was time. Hans went outside to check the eggs and found one empty. Frantically, he looked around, but the baby whatever-it-was couldn’t be found. He called his daughters so that they could wait together for the eggs to hatch.

Checking on Them

Checking on Them


Calling for Bonny

They waited for a while before the eggs moved. Hans had never seen anything like it and yelled for his wife to hurry and come over. However, he began to cry because it was so shocking and mesmerizing.

Calling for Bonny

Calling for Bonny


It’s Okay

Hans was still crying when his wife showed up, and she asked what was wrong. However, he pointed at the eggs, and she knew. Comforting her husband, she also started crying because of what she saw.

It's Okay

It’s Okay


Baby Peacocks

The eggs contained baby peacocks. Hans had always loved these animals as a child and had owned one himself. In fact, it was his best friend, and he refused to have them once it died. This was a miracle!

Baby Peacocks

Baby Peacocks


Convincing Bonny

Hans didn’t want to give the animals away and hoped to keep them. However, Bonny said they didn’t have room for 20 peacocks, so they had to think of something else. There was only one choice.

Convincing Bonny

Convincing Bonny


The Sanctuary

Hans and Bonny kept two of the animals and took the other 18 to a sanctuary. They had plenty of freedom and would get excellent care. Plus, the girls could enjoy the peacocks at home!

The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary