Avoid These Fashion Faux Pas That Are Making You Look Older

Published on July 13, 2020
Fashion is a never-ending cycle, constantly changing as the seasons go by. However, it’s easy to fall into a bad habit of following a trend that is outdated. This can unfortunately make you seem out of touch and may actually age you. Here are some of the fashion no-no’s you should avoid in order to stay in style.

Large, Poofy Hair

In the 70’s and especially the 80’s, the bigger the hair was, the better. However, it’s been about 40 to 50 years, and hair trends have become much more tame. Teasing your hair and spraying lots of chemicals into it is also a great way to damage your hair. Shiny, healthy hair will never go out of style, so take care of those locks.

Large, Poofy Hair

Large, Poofy Hair

Overly Matching

We’ve all heard the arbitrary rules which dictate that you “can’t mix prints and patterns.” This is absolutely not true. In fact, looking way too matchy-matchy is very underwhelming and may in fact age you. Allow yourself to get a bold statement piece like a brightly colored top and then pair it with neutral bottoms.

Overly Matching

Overly Matching

High-Water Pants

While there is definitely a way to style these pants in a fashionable way, it is quite difficult to pull off. Most of the time, high-water pants just end up looking like you bought pants that don’t fit you correctly. If you do want pants that don’t go all the way to the floor, try to get ones that crop just above the ankle, so the look is intentional.

High Water Pants

High Water Pants


Over-Plucked Eyebrows

Gone are the days where extremely thin (sometimes penciled-on) eyebrows are the height of fashion. The other drawback of this style is that it is quite tough to grow eyebrows back. You can help regrow your thin eyebrows by leaving them be: no waxing, plucking, or threading. Then, apply brow gel to help with growth.

Over Plucked Eyebrows

Over Plucked Eyebrows


No Skin Care Routine

Although it’s better to start taking care of your skin as early as possible, it is never too late to implement a great skin regimen. Anti-aging creams for morning and night are crucial. You can also incorporate cleansers, toners, eye creams, serums, and face masks in order to promote healthier skin.

No Skin Care Routine

No Skin Care Routine


Always Wearing Long Sleeves

While we understand that becoming self-conscious about your arms is a real issue, there are ways to cope with this rather than forcing yourself to wear long sleeves even in the winter. You can opt for 3/4 sleeves, sheer bishop sleeves, kimono sleeves, bell sleeves, or cap sleeves instead.

Always Wearing Long Sleeves

Always Wearing Long Sleeves


Matching Your Lipstick To Your Outfit

While coordinating your lipstick and outfit is important and a great choice, definitely don’t match your lipstick exactly to what you’re wearing. First of all, you’ll never find an exact match, and it will just look silly to be wearing a red top and a slightly different shade of red lipstick. Instead, opt for a few shades of lipstick that look great on you and alternate these to coordinate with your outfit.

Matching Your Lipstick To Your Outfit

Matching Your Lipstick To Your Outfit


Large, Outdated Bags

Oversized handbags with huge designer logos used to be the peak of fashion. However, as the times have changed, smaller and more understated elegant bags have become the preferred style. Opt for a smaller, more refined bag. If you want to be a bit more daring, leather totes and studded backpacks are also quite in style.

Large, Outdated Bags

Large, Outdated Bags


Wearing The Wrong Undergarments

There’s nothing worse than wearing the perfect outfit only for it to be totally ruined by the wrong undergarment. It’s always best to play it safe with seamless underwear and a properly fitting bra. These will make a world of a difference and will keep you looking young, stylish, and classy.

Wearing The Wrong Undergarments

Wearing The Wrong Undergarments


Wearing Jersey Fabric

Jersey fabric is very comfortable due to its stretchy nature. However, this comes at a cost. Jersey fabric has a tendency to highlight all the areas of your body since it really clings onto every part of you. Opt for more forgiving fabrics like cotton, silk, and wool.

Wearing Jersey Fabric

Wearing Jersey Fabric


Tan Pantyhose

These days, the only type of pantyhose that are considered acceptable are black ones or ones that match your skin tone perfectly. Wearing tan pantyhose that are completely a different shade from your skin tone will immediately age you. Try forgoing the pantyhose altogether and show a little bit of skin! It will keep you feeling fresh and young.

Tan Pantyhose

Tan Pantyhose


Wearing Powder Makeup

Powder makeup has a pesky tendency of drying your skin and highlighting every crevice and crease in your face. Unfortunately, this will bring out any lines in your face, even if you have just a few. The easy solution is to use cream and liquid foundation instead.

Wearing Powder Makeup

Wearing Powder Makeup


Wearing Baggy Clothes

As we age, we tend to start drifting towards wearing loose, baggy clothes. There’s no reason to hide your figure behind mounds of fabric. Wearing fitted clothes is always a great choice. They don’t have to be extremely tight or revealing, but properly fitted outfits will always look more polished than baggy ones.

Wearing Baggy Clothes

Wearing Baggy Clothes


Covering Up Your Neck

Many people tend to wear turtlenecks as they age in order to hide their necks. While this is quite literally covering up the wrinkles on your neck, it will also make you look very stiff. Instead, opt for a collard shirt or a v-neck shirt and layered, dainty necklaces that will draw the eye away from your neck.

Covering Up Your Neck

Covering Up Your Neck


Not Switching Up Your Hairstyle or Hair Color

As the old adage goes, age is just a number. Just because you are aging, does not mean that you must keep sporting a short, grey bob forever. Go for an interesting cut and some lowlights to keep things interesting. Switch your hairstyle up every once in a while and have fun with it.

Not Switching Up Your Hairstyle Or Hair Color

Not Switching Up Your Hairstyle Or Hair Color


Wearing Mini-Anything

While we’re all for wearing whatever makes you feel great, anything that’s labelled “mini” should probably be avoided. It’s not just for older folks, mini-skirts are simply out of style in general. Midi-length and maxi-length skirts are very in style right now, and they’re more comfortable and more flattering than mini skirts anyway.

Wearing Mini Anything

Wearing Mini Anything


Wearing Pieces for Sentimental Value

We understand that many pieces hold sentimental value, but wearing these even if they’re not very flattering isn’t a great choice. Just make sure that these pieces aren’t completely out of date, as that’s a great way to immediately age yourself. Luckily, vintage pieces come in and out of style, so you might get lucky and have it come back into style someday!

Wearing Pieces For Sentimental Value

Wearing Pieces For Sentimental Value


Wearing Glasses That Are Too Trendy

While wearing something that’s outdated will definitely age you, wearing something that is too trendy can also have the same effect. For example, the trendiest glasses right now consist of tiny frames that may highlight under-eye wrinkles. Instead, opt for a classic style that will never go out of fashion.

Wearing Glasses That Are Too Trendy

Wearing Glasses That Are Too Trendy


Wearing Dark Lipsticks

While dark lipstick is in style, it is not very practical. It has a tendency to settle into each little nook and crevice of the lips, highlighting any lines that may be there. It also rubs off very quickly and demands frequent reapplications. It’s best to just avoid dark lipsticks altogether.

Wearing Dark Lipsticks

Wearing Dark Lipsticks


Wearing Unflattering Colors

The unfortunate reality of fashion is that not every color is going to be flattering on everyone. It’s important to figure out which colors best compliment your skin tone and avoid ones that don’t. Once you figure out which colors best match your skin’s undertones, stock up on clothes that suit you, so you’ll never accidentally wear the wrong color.

Wearing Unflattering Colors

Wearing Unflattering Colors


Dressing In All Black

While this isn’t an all-out fashion no-no, it is important to be careful with this one. Many people’s skin tends to get lighter as they age, and wearing all black can sometimes make you look a bit washed out. You can avoid this by wearing all black with a pop of color to keep things balanced out.

Dressing In All Black

Dressing In All Black


Wearing Tweed

Tweed has had a moment of resurgence, but the unfortunate reality is that tweed is simply not very flattering on anyone. It has an immediate effect of aging anybody that wears it by 20 years. Pinstripes and houndstooth are a better choice if you want to incorporate a menswear look into your outfit.

Wearing Tweed

Wearing Tweed


Never Wearing Jeans

As we age, many women feel that it is no longer appropriate to wear denim. We’re not sure where this concept came from, but it is simply not true! Wearing properly-fitting jeans will instantly make you look younger. You can dress jeans up by wearing them with heels and blouse or even a blazer.

Never Wearing Jeans

Never Wearing Jeans


Wearing Gaudy Jewelry

While we don’t recommend gaudy jewelry like costume jewelry for anyone, it is especially important to avoid as you age. Large and overbearing necklaces are definitely not in style anymore. Opt for delicate pieces that will never go out of style instead.

Wearing Gaudy Jewelry

Wearing Gaudy Jewelry


Wearing Jeans That Are Too Stretchy

Stretchy jeans are definitely the most comfortable, however they come with the cost of being very unforgiving. Try to buy jeans that contain only 2% elastic fiber, as these will be much more flattering instead. Definitely avoid stretchy jeans with elastic waistbands, as they are definitely way out of style.

Wearing Jeans That Are Too Stretchy

Wearing Jeans That Are Too Stretchy


Not Wearing Fitted Clothing

Don’t shy away from form-fitting clothing! These are much more flattering than oversized clothes. Sometimes we buy clothes that don’t fit us properly without even realizing it. Take some time to figure out what your actual size is and purchase clothes accordingly.

Not Wearing Fitted Clothing

Not Wearing Fitted Clothing


Wearing Chunky Shoes

Chunky shoes may have had a resurgence of popularity, but the reality is that these are not flattering on most people. They will make your bottom half look much heavier than it is. Kitten heels or ankle strap flats are a much better choice for a more sleek and polished look.

Wearing Chunky Shoes

Wearing Chunky Shoes


Dressing Too Trendy

This rules applies to everyone, regardless of age. Wearing outfits that are too on trend can quickly become outdated, since trends are constantly changing. Classic styles are a much better bet, as they are usually flattering for everyone and never go out of style, leaving you with a wardrobe that always look great.

Dressing Too Trendy

Dressing Too Trendy


Tying a Jacket Around Your Waist

While this is a convenient little trick, you should really be careful, as tying your jacket around your waist can end up looking really bulky. It adds bulk to your hips. You can instead drape your jacket around your shoulders for a sleeker look.

Tying A Jacket Around Your Waist

Tying A Jacket Around Your Waist


Getting A Classic Fake Tan

This should almost go without saying, but getting a spray tan or spending time in a tanning bed should really be avoided at all costs. Not only is it not in style anymore to be orange, but it is truly damaging to your skin. It is not worth risking skin cancer for a fake tan.

Getting A Classic Tan

Getting A Classic Fake Tan


Sticking to Florals

Wearing all-floral, all the time is really quite aging. A floral item should be used a statement, otherwise this pattern can really age you. If you choose to wear a floral piece, definitely make sure it will properly fitting and tailored.

Sticking To Florals

Sticking To Florals


Avoiding Hair Trims

An unavoidable truth about aging is the fact that as we age, our hair tends to thin out. To combat this, many people avoid getting haircuts altogether. However, this actually makes matters worse, as split ends will make your hair even more brittle and damaged-looking. Get trims in order to keep your hair healthy, which will always make you look more youthful.

Avoiding Hair Trims

Avoiding Hair Trims


Wearing Too Much Blush

This should be avoided at any age, but wearing too much blush in one concentrated area will definitely make you look a whole lot older than you really are. Instead, dab a touch of blush to add a hint of a flow and make sure to blend evenly.

Wearing Too Much Blush

Wearing Too Much Blush


Never Wearing Heels

While stiletto heels are quite an uncomfortable shoe to wear, wearing kitten heels is a great way to elevate your look without sacrificing comfort. You can also opt for heeled mules and platform shoes. Wearing heels will quite literally give you an instant lift and keep your outfit looking polished.

Never Wearing Heels

Never Wearing Heels


Wearing Logo Clothing

This is yet another trend that should be avoided at all ages, but is especially true as we age. Clothes that are stamped with logos and branding just make you look like you’re trying to get attention for all the wrong reasons. Instead, choose good quality clothes without logos that will look stylish for many years.

Wearing Logo Clothing

Wearing Logo Clothing


Too-Long Skirts

Skirt length can become a little bit tricky, but one tip to remember is to avoid wearing skirts that are too long, especially if you’re not very tall or wearing sky high heeled shoes. This is because these skirts can easily end up looking frumpy.

Too Long Skirts

Too Long Skirts


Wearing Same-Fit Pairings

If you choose to wear loose fitting pants, make sure your top is closely fitted, and vice versa. Wearing loose pants with a loose top will make you look shapeless, while tight bottoms with tight tops can look inappropriate. Balance your look with choosing opposite fits for top and bottom.

Wearing Same Fit Pairings

Wearing Same Fit Pairings


Not Defining Your Waist

By choosing a top or dress that doesn’t define your waist, you run the risk of looking very boxy and shapeless. You can add a belt to give yourself a more pulled together and defined look.

Not Defining Your Waist

Not Defining Your Waist


Using Heavy Black Eyeliner

Applying thick, heavy black eyeliner will no longer cut it for bringing out your eyes. Instead, it will most likely accentuate your wrinkles. Avoid this by lighting applying a softer shade like brown, gray, or olive green. You can also try using eyeshadow as eyeliner for a softer look.

Using Heavy Black Eyeliner

Using Heavy Black Eyeliner


Wearing Brooches

Wearing brooches has not really been in style for years, and it’s hard to believe that these over-the-top pieces will come back anytime soon. It’s better to just avoid these altogether, especially if they’re bejeweled insect brooches.

Wearing Brooches

Wearing Brooches